Friday, February 21, 2014

Worldly Magic Pt. 3

I’d spent a grand total of a week on that world, after the first day, I’d been allowed to walk around the place and the town. Everyone had been told about me, also considering that there was a guard around me at all times kinda spoke volumes. The one thing that did surprise me was that anything that I wanted to get was paid for through Alexander and the castle; I really didn’t know what in the world to make of that.

I actually spent a bit of time in different libraries seeing what I could of the history of this world, the one thing that I’ve actually discovered was that Alexander actually spent a bit of time after he took over getting rid of the history that this world had. However it seemed that there were people on this world that had kept a bit of that history back to make sure that when the time was right, that one person would be able to not only learn the truth, but make things right again. It seems that these people of this world actually trusted me to do that, of which at this point considered that I did meet a few of the doubles that came to this world, I was more than willing to take on.

I had been down in the basement of a shop reading over some of the history that I realized was more telling then what Alexander had shown me, an entire world that had been free and on the verge of complete and total change, going into a future of their own. However when Alexander arrived and had over powered our double that had been leading everything and killed him and took over, that’s when everything here had taken not only a change for the worse, but also at the same time, that’s when the magical field that was supposed to cancel out anything of science came into being and it surrounded the entire planet in one fell swoop, and there was nothing that anyone could even be able to do here to stop it. It changed the armor from anyone coming from off world into a tech free armor. What the field didn’t account for, and I seemed to be the only one that actually got through on this, was a modular design for the suit, that allowed it to adapt to any situation that was needed, and on this world it meant keeping the technology instead the suit with the outer shell changing only. That for me was the one thing that even I hadn’t expected. I knew that Alexander was consulting different sources as to how I could still have everything considering that on this world I wasn’t supposed to have anything, and should’ve been an easy kill, that however has no completely changed.

It had now been at least half a month since I had arrived here and I figured that at some point the last fight would, and that was when Alexander walked into the room that he kept me. “So it seems that you will get to keep your suit, however I must insist that when we battle tomorrow, that you keep to just what we’re going to be using tomorrow only.” He told me. He didn’t bother to give me a chance to say anything before he had left.

What Alexander didn’t know was that I had learned to summon the sword and then put it back again, however I still didn’t know where in the world the actual temple was located that had the sword resting in it, and there was nothing written down that would let me know where it might be. However after that little visit, that didn’t matter much, just making sure that I called the sword in order to be able to take Alexander on and defeat him. The thing that I didn’t like though was that I was going to have to kill him, and that was something that I seriously wasn’t looking forward to.

The next day I was waiting out in the court yard, but something told me that this entire battle was going to be going further than just here, I personally had a feeling that it was going to be spanning the majority of the castle. I knew that he wanted to keep me out of the throne room for some reason, and I had a feeling that was because if he didn’t die there, then something might end up happening, and I knew that I needed to get control over this world in order to be able to fix things.

I saw Alexander walking down, and I also noticed that he was the only one that had a sword on him. Not only did none of the guards have one, but at the same time, I didn’t have one either or at least he didn’t think that I had one. I knew right off what he wanted to do; he was going to kill me to make sure that he continued to do everything that he wanted to this world.

“Your life is mine, you have no weapons, and there’s nothing that you can do about it at all.” Alexander stated as he drew up his sword and came at me and tried going for my head.

Suddenly something in my head tripped and my hand shot out up into the air above my head, I could tell that he thought that I was going for the blade of his sword and he thought that he was going to slice right through my hand. However that didn’t happen, instead, a blinding light went out of the air above my hand and I could see as time slowed down to a crawl around me. The sword appeared in the air with the handle right in my hand that I wrapped my hand around taking a firm grip. Once the sword was fully there, I brought it down and to an angle and blocked Alexander’s sword from hitting me at all. I almost expected the crystal blade to shatter, but nothing happened. I looked up as saw that both swords had made impact, but the crystal didn’t shatter, and it didn’t do anything either, not even so much as get scratched.

“This isn’t possible.” Alexander said as he looked at the blades.

“Get used to it.” I grunted as I pushed him back.

“You shouldn’t be able to do that. No one can summon that sword, no one.”

I looked at the blade and the handle and then hefted it up. “Well looks like I’m no one. This world knows and understands that change was coming and is now here.” I told him as I came in for the attack this time.

Alexander back up, not wanting anything to happen to him now that more than just him had a weapon this time. As I came at him, I noticed that the sword was lighter than I first realized and was able to move it around far better, as if I had trained with that sword all of my life, this was something that I just couldn’t understand at first.

We fought as I had thought, going all over the castle, blows getting traded back and forth, and everyone keeping out of our way. All work in the castle from the guards to the servants stopped what they were doing, even those that had been visiting stopped what they were doing to watch us battle. I do believe that everyone knew what was taking place, considering that everyone had been waiting for this day for ages, the day that everyone on this world would be freed.

On we battled, and eventually we came to the one place that I don’t think Alexander realized where we really were. Once he realized where he was, he started looking around in a panic. “No this can’t be, I was directing us someplace else, each time that I knew we were coming here, I moved us away, how is this possible?” Alexander asked as he brought his sword around to face me. “You did this; you’ve used some kind of trickery in order to make me think that I was going someplace else, yet still coming here.” He said in a frantic voice.

He had no idea that the world and everything that he had worked so hard to keep was all fighting against him at this point. “You just don’t get it do you. Everything that you’ve tried so hard to keep, our doubles that you’ve either imprisoned on this world or killed, everything was working towards this day. The day that everything would not only change for you, but at the same time would be the end for you completely.” I told as I first knocked the now weakly held sword out of his hand and then gave him a side kick that slammed into the throne.

He fell back onto the floor in a heap, he realized at this point that the end was not just coming; it was here in full force. “Everything that you are, everything that you’ve done, everything that you’ve been on this world, it’s all come back down to this. For everyone that you’ve ever defeated, for everyone that you’ve ever hurt, for everyone on this planet that you’ve done anything to EVER. This here is the end, there is no coming back from this for you, no begging that you can ever do, nothing that you could ever say that would ever change what’s going to happen here. You actually never thought that you would ever encounter someone that was like me, someone that would actually ever be able to defeat you, one that could take this blade and be able to do the one thing that you’ve never been able to figure out about this world, and that’s save it.” I finished.

I kicked him in the gut again to get him to bend over and present his neck to me; I brought the sword up and then in one fell swoop brought it down and took his head from his body, the only time that I would ever take a life.

During that next point, what surprised me was that even though his head was now rolling on the floor, there was no blood, there was nothing. It was like he had been something else entirely. Then something that I will never forget happened, first Alexander’s body turned to pure white energy, and that energy started floating up into the air and came to start spinning around me, electrical energy arching out at me from all directions, and there wasn’t anything that I could do to stop it, and I realized exactly what was happening. This was the transfer point of the world’s control from one person to another, the energy lifted me up off the ground as everything that was around me started getting brighter and brighter, the arching energy increasing in speed to the point that it was just a flashing blindness. All at once that energy came right at me and enveloped me completely, and my world went completely white.

That’s all that I could see was a white world around, no people, no buildings, nothing but white. I looked around me and saw that I could still see my own body, beyond that there was nothing.

“You’re alright, there’s nothing wrong.” A voice called out.

I looked around and at first I couldn’t see anything. “Who’s there, please show yourself.” I called out.

“I knew that you would be the one that would be able to not only free this world, but at the same time do what you needed to do in order to end his terror that he held on this world.” The voice belonged to that of a man that I knew right off was the one that lived on this world and had been born here in the first place.

“Where am I?” I asked him.

“You are in the between, still the same world, but right now we’re both in your mind as well as the world that is all around but can never be seen. It was here that I told our double that there is only one man out there that will ever be able to defeat him. He killed and imprisoned so many on this world, so many whose families think that they’re never coming back. However now that you’ve not only defeated him, but gained the power that he had taken away from me, that power to be able to change this world back to the way that it not only was before, but also to allow our doubles to leave and go home.” He told me.

“I can’t bring back the ones that he killed can I?” I asked him after I got the chance to fully see him, dressed as he had been at the time of his death before.

“Sadly no you can’t, but for those that were supposed to be killed but he never got around to that, you have the chance now of sending them back home. I leave you now, but if you ever need my help again, just look back to the memories of mine that you now have. No matter what world you happen to be on.” He told me as he faded away and the world that I was looking as started to once again take form.

Once everything was back to normal in my vision, I was back in the throne room again, and once everyone saw what was going on, they kneeled down before me surrounding me. This was something that I knew no matter how much I said, they not only weren’t going to stop, and I had to get used to it.

Over the course of the next couple of weeks, things had started to change and I had to make sure of it all before leaving, after all even I knew that I couldn’t stay, I had to get going to make sure that I could continue to see what in the world was out there.

After my last advisor tried to kill me thinking that the control would revert over to him if I died, I had him exiled and let me know right before hand that the power that I had could only go from one double to another of mine. My next advisor ended up becoming a dear trusted friend that wouldn’t lead me wrong and actually kept things straight with me constantly. “I’m going to miss this world.” I stated as we stood out on the balcony overlooking the city. I still can’t believe everything that happened here. And I still can’t believe that I was the one that freed everyone up here. All of the doubles have been returned to their home dimensions, and me, I’m about to go off on my adventure again.” I said as I leaned over the railing.

“It can’t be that bad.” My advisor said.

I smiled at him. “Trust me on this Chris, traveling from world to world can be great at times, but more often than not, I really don’t like the traveling alone part, but I’ve got no choice, most of the time I’m leaping onto a world that I have no idea what I’m going to be facing at all. That right there isn’t something that I’m willing to put any one through.” I told him.

I walked back to the throne and put my hand on it. “Just please make sure that everything here actually stays in one piece. I will come back at times, but more often than not, I’ll be traveling to different worlds here so people are going to be asking about me.” I told me.

Chris smiled. He walked over to the wall mounted swords and pulled one down; walking back over to the throne he placed the sword standing up on it. “As long as that sword is there and isn’t removed by you, everyone will know that you’re away. The only one that can remove it will be you, and there will be a guard stationed at the entrance to this throne room at all times to let people see, but no one shall enter.” He told me. He pointed behind me, and I knew that something was up.

I turned around to see the staff behind me, they had gathered during his speech, once he was finished, has all gone down to their knees bowing before me. They stayed that way for a minute before standing back up. “My lord, we shall keep not only your legacy going here, but let the people of this world that every once in a while as you’re off saving other worlds, you will every once in a while return to this world to see how everyone here is doing.”

I smiled at that. “Thank you so much. Now I must leave you, never forgot me, and I will return.” I told them.

I put my helmet back on and triggered the leap, and noticed that as I was leaping, that my suit returned back to the way that it had been before I had arrived on this world. “Alright now, let’s see what else is out there.”

Felix Sanchez
Carrier for Martinez News-Gazette, Martinez, CA
Alhambra High School
Class of '97
Ninja Chronicles Blog (fictional):
Ninja Chronicles eBook Kindle:
Ninja Chronicles: The Return Blog (fictional):

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