Sunday, February 9, 2014

Worldly Doubles Pt. 1

Running, that’s all I can remember doing for a while now is just nothing but running, well that and leaping between different worlds. Why do I remember only this, that’s because of the one that’s currently running after me right now, and believe me I never thought that this would actually happen in the first place.


Alright why don’t I take you back to the start of all this, after all one really can’t make sense of the story if you happen to start off in the middle of things, yes it works for some, but not really for others. You see this entire run had actually started several worlds before, I had been walking through a city’s farmers market minding my own, after all there was nothing going on with this world and I was actually about ready to leap off to the next one. However for the past three worlds, I had noticed that there had been someone following me. Now this in itself is normal, after all I get people looking at me all the time on different worlds considering that I’m not actually from around there in the first place. This person however looked exactly as they had for the past couple of worlds and had been trying as hard as hell not to be noticed by me in the least. Which is understandable all things considered, but this was entirely different, it was almost like they were staying out of a certain radius of sorts. Now that to me was different since last I knew I didn’t have a radius, but it seems that this person thought that I had something that had a radius to me.


I decided that it was time to confront this person, didn’t matter who in the world they were, however given that they were trying to keep their distance I need to make sure that this meeting happened on my terms. Since I had the helmet off, or at least folded down, I ducked into an alley between a couple of the stalls and folded it back on. From there I shot my right hand up into the air and fired off the grapple line and got pulled up to the roof, I was over the ledge before my mystery person rounded the corner to see that I wasn’t there anymore.


I was looking over the top of the city when I heard my follower show up; I checked and figured that since it had taken about twenty minutes for them to get up here, which meant that they really were looking for me. “Took you long enough to figure out that I was up here.” I said as I turned around and saw who it was for the first time fully.


What I saw floored me. With the exception of one thing, the person that I was looking at looked exactly like me, with the exception that this person was a female version of me. She started coming towards me, and that was when I whipped out my stun gun and pointed to towards her. She stopped dead in her tracks and then jumped up in the air flipping back to what I think she thought was a safe distance. For the time being I wasn’t going to tell her otherwise.


“OK I don’t know who in the world you happen to be here, but I would like some answers please.” I said.


Her hand lashed out and my system registered something hitting it but not going through the shield. I took a second to look down as I know that she wanted to see that there was nothing there; however I noticed that she had taken that moment to charge in and attack. I flicked up the stun gun and fired off a few shots that missed her cleanly. I dodged to the right and she missed me as she landed, it was then that we were in hand to hand combat, flicking moves left and right, different punches and kicks that were getting blocked by both sides. I knew that if this kept up then something was going to go wrong and that one of us was going to go in for a killing move. That was when I made my decision.


When I saw an opening that was closing fast, I took it and kicked her away and ran for the ledge and took a dive towards the street, I wasn’t looking back either, no I put my rear view on a lower right corner display of my H.U.D. and just kept pointed towards the ground. Considering that I knew I could move at the same time that I could leap between worlds, it was time to take this fight elsewhere.


I leaped and the world around me changed, only thing time I realized that I was over a more advanced city and I was, or should I say we as I saw that she had followed me through, only it had been with her own leaping system. It was then that I realized that I was going to see how well her system reacted to sudden world changes if she really could follow me. I started random leaping and saw each world from above both close up and far away. It seemed that each world wasn’t locked when it came to being in the exact location as the other at the time of each leap. Even at one point I saw the street coming flying at me before I had leapt to another world and had gone back up high into the sky yet again. I honestly didn’t know how long I was going to be able to keep this up, and I knew that for some reason till she got me, she wasn’t going to give up either.


In had decided at that point to switch things up, that instead of being in a dive for any number of untold worlds that I had traveled through, that I needed to change up directions. So for the time being I stopped leaping and just dropped. I was heading right for the ground in a city that I had just appeared over, and a building was coming up fast on my right, that was where I was going to be changing things up. Only I wasn’t going to head towards that building, I reached my arm out and fired off the grappler and once it caught and held I swung down in an arch and changed directions. I figured let’s see if she happens to have the same thing as I did.


All during this running, I knew that I still had one ace up my sleeve, and that was my glider that had also been leaping whenever I had leapt between the worlds. In some of those worlds it would just appear as a blast of blue with leaving nothing behind at all, and that would’ve been has I had just been dropping between the worlds at that fast rate, leaving the glider in a inter-dimensional bubble as it traveled between. However now that I was done leaping, I summoned it to me, and as the glider got closer I noticed that she had also changed up directions as well, but she wasn’t swinging like I was. No, she was leaping from building to building. OK that wasn’t going to help my next idea, so I dropped down and started swinging closer to her level. Then before I knew it, she was actually getting closer to me, and that was when I kicked my plan in. I brought my glider in remotely and right behind her that before she knew it, and I had to time this correctly, I had the glider slam into her back and push her uncontrolled towards me. Right before she got to me, I used both the grapple line and the air and flipped back in mid air.


I landed right on the glider and flew it towards the roof of the nearest building and after dropping her down, landed the glider and activated the bio-key signature in order to activate the gilder at all. I propped her up against the nearest wall sitting down, and just stood back. I took a scan of her body to see if smacking the glider into her had done any damage, but it looked like nothing had been done.


She started moaning and that’s when I got my stun gun out again and just kept it trained on her. Once I noticed that her heartbeat had changed and that she was awake, that’s when I knew that it was time to get some answers. “Alright who are you and why have you been following me?” I asked.


The eyes looked up at me and then looked towards the gun. “Why should I answer anything if you’re going to keep that gun pointed at me?” She asked.


“Are you serious, this is a stun gun, the most it’s going to do is knock you out for a few hours at most, never kill you.” I told her


She looked around the place, and I could tell that she was getting her bearings. “What world are we on?” She asked me.


I didn’t take my eyes off her this time. “The same one that I knocked you out on after we got her. Now again, who are you?” I asked her again.


She looked at me again before trying to get up. I backed up so that she might be able to do that. “I could ask the same of you, I know that when I took my first leap that I wasn’t expecting to see someone like you, someone that could do the exact same things that I could be able to do. Same suit, and same tech.” She said.


I chuckled a little at that. “No not the same tech, if you had the same tech, then you would’ve been swinging instead of leaping. So no I would say that you happen to have near the same gear the I’ve got, but at the same time you were lead to believe something different about me. What was it?” I asked her.


She looked off for a second before turning back. “Doesn’t matter, I had been told that if you had the chance that you would kill me without a second thought, I’ve been told wrong. I think that you might want to scan me to see who I happen to be.” She said as she slowly folded down her helmet.


I kept my helmet up and switched to scanning mode. “So what’s your name?” I asked her as I started scanning.


Her eyes went to the ground, but kept her face pointing towards me. “My name is Alexis, and I come from a world that’s near same as yours, however yours seems to be very different from mine and I can’t place it for some reason.” She said with wonder.


The results that I was getting from the scan were showing something that I had never thought that I would ever encounter, I mean I knew that at some point I would, but I thought that would be a long ways off. Ending the scan I walked over to a nearby wall away from Alexis and sat down on the roof, I just couldn’t believe what it was telling me.


Alexis came over and sat next to me, and then floored me if I hadn’t already been sitting. “Yeah you’re my double, I am you and you are me, only you’re the male version of me, and I’m the female version of you. Nailed me the first time that I took a scan of you when I first saw you with your helmet off. The only thing was, I couldn’t figure out for the life of me as to why in the world you left your world, and how in the world did you come up with everything that you did?” She asked me.


I went on to tell her about the hatred that my world had against me, and the lightening blast that gave me the mind that I had in the first place, this wasn’t something that I told everyone, and then down to my many leaps from world to world. When I was finished, I just stared off into the distance.


“So you have no home world any more. I mean you do, but you can never return there ever again.” Alexis pointed out.


I looked at a clock that I kept on my H.U.D. screen at all times, and that time was the non changing time that I had for my home world, the actually time and date from the world that I had been living on, and in truth when I looked at it, despite all of the time that I had been gone, it felt like it had been longer, but in truth the time I had spent gone had only been half a year, about six months since I had left. I told Alexis this.


She looked at me. “Wait you actually keep your worlds time on your visor?” She asked me.


I sighed and got up. “Yes I do, so that way I know in real time exactly how long I’ve been gone from my own world. Honestly I don’t know if I can ever return back there, but I would like to know what their time is either way.” I told her as I walked over to the end of the roof. “Anyway, it’s time to get going anyway, and I guess that the next world I’m going to be visiting has already been decided for me.” I said as I just stood there waiting.


Alexis got up and came over to me, and I could tell from her face that she didn’t understand what I said. “What do you mean that it’s been decided for you?” She asked.


I had gotten her home world through the scan that I had done of her and had set my next leap for her world. “We’re going home, your home. Time to see what a world of doubles looks like.” I told her.


I saw the look of shock on her face, and her say one word right as we leapt. “Shit!”

Felix Sanchez
Carrier for Martinez News-Gazette, Martinez, CA
Alhambra High School
Class of '97
Ninja Chronicles Blog (fictional):
Ninja Chronicles eBook Kindle:
Ninja Chronicles: The Return Blog (fictional):

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