Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Worldly Doubles Pt. 3

It’s dark and restrictive, I have no idea where I am or how much time has passed, and the last thing that I remember is getting shot by a high intensity energy weapon. That is honestly something that I never thought they would have on this world that is if I’m still on that world.


I knew that I was still in the suit, but nothing was working, and I knew that I was able to move around still. I activated the emergency power and my suit slowly started rebooting and coming back to life. Whatever it was that hit me, the energy shorted me out to the point that my system fully shut down. Once everything was back up and the HUD was back to normal, I looked around and noticed that people were slowly getting up, and the truck was gone, but Alexis was still here, and she was helping the people out.


I slowly got up as the emergency power switched over to the main power and the suit started to normalize out. “OK, what did I miss?” I asked as I made my way over to Alexis.


She stood up and looked at me. “Surprisingly, once they shot you, they took off. I have a feeling that it might’ve been all that flying around over us that actually did it all.”


First I looked at her, and then I looked around to see everyone else, I still couldn’t believe everything that had happened here. One shot and they ran, but for some reason it was that shot that troubled me the most right there. “Do you know where they might’ve gotten that energy weapon from, last I knew your planet is on the same tech level as my own which means that one shouldn’t be able to get one of those.” I told her.


Alexis got up and looked around as well. “That right there is a good question, might be the same ones that fired that EM pulse at you. So we’re going to need to find out who they were and where they came from. I don’t suppose that you happen to have a blood hound in that belt of yours?”


I summoned the glider down to me. “Actually no, but I’ve got two things far better. One a glider that can make travel here far faster, in spite of getting almost shot out of the sky here, and two a residual heat source locater.” I told her.


We both got onto the glider and then flew off into the air. I changed over to the heat scope and then picked up the heat signature and started following the trial that the tires leaving in a hurry left behind. However the one thing that I made sure of was that I would lose them even after their heat started to die down. We followed them off into the hills where there was next to no one out there. “I have a feeling that they’re living in what would be on my world as a park.” I told her through comms.


“I’ve been meaning to ask, actually I did once before but the reporters wouldn’t let me ask, how in the world did you get access to my comm systems?” Alexis asked me.


“I had the suit look for your suits comm RF and then jumped on, it’s not like I hacked your suit, believe me you have just under my level of tech, plus your suit isn’t like mine, it’s not modular.” I told her.


“What the hell has that got to do with my suit?” She asked.


I kept looking ahead as I flew, but I knew that she wasn’t going to like what I was going to say next. “Your suit is static, meaning that you would have to create an entirely new suit in order to be able to have any changes or adapt to something new, my suit being modular means that I can adapt and adjust on the fly to be able to make sure that I don’t have to create something completely new in order to be able to adapt to the world around me. That’s what I meant.”


“Damn, I hadn’t thought of that, but considering I was just using the suit for transit between worlds, I really hadn’t thought beyond that in the least. Shoot I’m just grateful that I was able to make a suit that didn’t blow up on me, I had three prior suits that were bigger than this that actually did, but thanks to figuring out the tech that I needed to, this right here actually worked, and that’s how I met you.” Alexis explained to me.


At this point we had reached the location for where the truck was parked at, and it turned out to be a small single floor house with a barn located just outside the place. I registered several heat signatures inside the house, but it was the barn like place that I was more interested it. I switched to a type of x-ray that gave me a color version of everything that I could see beyond the walls and the floors of the place. What I saw I didn’t like at all. I knew that something was up, and this here was the proof that I had been looking for in the first place.


“Damn, I knew that your world couldn’t have created those weapons, nope, the tech is alien, and I’m not talking like me, I’m human just from a different dimension, no, what I’m talking about is more here, we’re talking from an entirely different planet other than Earth, from out beyond the stars here, and they’re right below the barn, however I don’t think that anyone right now is there, because the barn isn’t giving off any heat or cold signatures at all, nope everyone is inside the house.” I fully explained to Alexis.


I knew that the barn was going to take something other than a mini-missile to take it out, nope, it was going to need something far stronger in order to be able to wipe it completely out, and I knew of just the thing. I flew down and into the barn, and that’s when the aliens came out of the house and came after us. They started talking and it took a little bit for my translator to catch up, given that I didn’t think that I would be meeting up with aliens from off Earth.


“You will stop. I SAID STOP!” One of their voices cried out.


I stopped alright, right in the middle of the barn; I had already lowered the Earth Warp nacelles down into place and had primed the engine. “And why in the world should I.” I called out. “You’re not even supposed to be on Earth, let alone arming the humans that are here, and I don’t buy the whole we crashed and were repairing out ship crap. I scanned your ship, it’s perfectly fine. Besides, do you know what’s on the bottom of my glider?” I asked it.


“I know what you’re planning on doing and you’ll do more harm than good.” It told me.


At that point I really wish I knew the sex of the creature that I was talking to, but even I knew that what it was talking about was pure crap. “No actually I do know what will happen.” I said as I turned the glider around to face the other exit. “The moment that I kick in the Earth warp here, the bubble that’s created around us, will pull this entire barn and everyone in it with us. To the outside world, this entire place will vanish, leaving literally nothing in its place, and even taking everything that includes what’s under this place included. After all instead of being up in the air where the bubble would be smaller, it’s going to become as big as it can safely become to take in as much as it can before launching, and we both know that it’s only going to last mere seconds.” I told it.


I knew that it would spend the time that I needed in order to think about what I had just said, and at the moment that it raised its weapon up, or at least started to, that was when I kicked in the Earth warp and everything around us pulled into the tunnel effect stretching right out. I waited at least five heartbeats while keeping an eye out on real world traveling, which was only starting to slowly bleed into the warp tunnel. Once those five heartbeats were over, I pulled out of Earth warp and shot down and then up. I was deep over the Pacific Ocean, or at least whatever they called it on this world, and I could see that the barn and everything that had come with it, and that included the aliens as well, were falling to the water. The warp bubble had both contained and dispersed the explosion that even I knew was going to happen, but because the tunnel was controlled, there was no chance in the world for the explosion to have any effect at all.


I turned us around and just back into Earth warp again and headed back. Once back there, Alexis and I confronted the ones that had shot me earlier. “Now I want to know why in the world you had tried to kill me twice.” I said confronting them. One of the guys pulled a gun and got really close to my head before I grabbed his hand and flipped it and the guy over again. “I’m not going to ask the question again.” I said before making him drop the gun and then kicking him back.


“Look it wasn’t us that tried to kill you, well maybe the second time, but not the first. It was them aliens that did it; they fired off something when they saw you flying over the city at the time, something that didn’t make sense since this one here.” The mother said pointing at Alexis. “She don’t have no glider like you’ve got, that’s why they did it in the first place, but when you did what you did here, that’s when we had to go take care of you that way.” She explained.


I went and picked up the gun and pointed it at the truck and fired a shot, what came out was an energy blast that dispersed on the truck. I went over and grabbed the same gun which was a rile and fired it too and it turned out to be the same. I took out my stun gun and shot the one that shot me. “That was for shooting me. Don’t worry he’ll wake up in a couple of hours.” I told them when they had that look of what in the world I just did.


Alexis took their guns and even went through the entire house, being directed by me looking through the place getting all the rest of the weapons, I wanted to make sure that there was nothing left behind that these clowns could be able to use against me, or anyone on this world.


After that, Alexis and I took the guns out over the bay and dropped them in the water; there was no chance at where we placed them that they would ever be recovered on this world, and that was a fact, considering that we were dropping them into a major shipping lane.


From there, we went back to her place where I was going to drop her off. And then head off myself. “Am I ever going to see you again?” She asked after both of our helmets had folded down.


I looked her right in the eyes. “To be honest, I really don’t know, I mean I wouldn’t doubt it at some point in the future, but right now, I doubt it. Maybe at some point, but for now, I’m just going to be traveling alone. It’s going to be interesting to see if there’s anyone else out there that might be a double as well.” I said as I folded the helmet back down and lifted the glider back up into the air.


I waved my good bye and flew up to what I thought would be high enough, and then made the leap. When I arrived, it turned out to be right in the middle of rush hour air traffic. “Oh you have got to be kidding me here.” I said as I flew down and over to try and get out of the traffic. What I saw after clearing that however, made me realize that this world was far ahead of some of the worlds that I had seen before. “Great, here we go again.”

Felix Sanchez
Carrier for Martinez News-Gazette, Martinez, CA
Alhambra High School
Class of '97
Ninja Chronicles Blog (fictional):
Ninja Chronicles eBook Kindle:
Ninja Chronicles: The Return Blog (fictional):

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