Friday, February 14, 2014

Worldly Magic Pt. 1

Out of all of the worlds that I’d traveled to, during the entire time that I’d been traveling to different worlds, none of them were like this one. I honestly don’t know if it was a natural part of the world in terms of the genetics of the place, or if it was something that was laced into literally everything around me, but the one thing that I did know, there was love all over this world.

From what I had found out, because of all of the love that I saw on this world, I quickly found out that not once in all of the history of this world had there been any wars at all, not one of them. That right there was surprising considering that on my world, one of the main reasons that wars had taken place was because of the love that someone had for a woman, didn’t matter if it had been a vow to take over an entire country or an entire world, more often than not it was done for love.

However on this world, that wasn’t the case at all. Nope, on this world if someone wanted to do something because of love, then everyone else would get behind them and help them in any way that they needed.

The extent of my stay on that world lasted for about as long as it took to help someone when it came to a girl he knew that he wanted to pop the question to, and believe me, he wanted this to be larger than life, something I greatly excelled at now. Plus since I came from a different world, the guy wanted to know what would be something on my world that would get a woman’s attention and fast. I suggested to him something that it seemed had never been done before, and that was a flash mob with a wedding marriage included.

Since the guy and his girl had been dating for the past couple of years he was all for it, I got everything worked out, and got people working out the dancing and he picked out the songs and everything and got it all worked out. The entire production took at least a week for a grand total of an hour and a half to fully and completely pull off, and surprisingly everything on this went off without a hitch.

Once that had been done and the two were off on their honeymoon, I decided to check out and head to a different world.

The world that leapt too was one that took me completely off guard since it also affected my suit in a way that I didn’t think that it would at all. I landed on a world were myths, legends and magic were real, as a result the whole of the world changed to make sure that everything here fit completely. However, even though I could still fully see mu HUD, people could also see my face as well. The first chance that I got I checked out the armor that I had on, and it was nothing like I had seen before, the very being of the armor had changed to something else for this world. “I don’t seriously believe this; I’ve gone into dungeons and dragons here.” I stated as I looked around me.

I was sitting at a clear classy like lake where I had gotten a chance to see my reflection in the water. I tested everything out to make sure that it all still worked, and low and behold it all still did work and that was the most surprising of all. The computer systems were still there and working, but the look of the outer shell had completely changed to fit the world that I was now in.

My glider however didn’t change, it had stayed the same as it always had, but then considering the look that I realized it was now sporting, something told me that it actually had changed. It looked more bat like than it had before, considering that I had it more stream lined and sleeker, but this here now wasn’t stream lined or sleek, nope it looked like a big metal bat.

I had decided to travel around after sending the glider off to the high skies out of sight to make sure that no one here had a panic attack because seeing it. After all, I had no idea about the level of the people’s minds on this world, and that was something that I did want to find out.

I had been traveling for a while just walking, and since it was only the outer look that had changed it meant that I still had all of the protections that I had before here within the suit, not just the tech. Before long I came to a village that was surrounding a castle of sorts, one that on my world looked like it came right out of a video game, it was that big and that elaborate. As I walked through the village, I kept getting a lot of looks, and that was another thing that I knew I was going to have to find out about.

I walked into an inn and tavern and after first looking the place over, I sat down at the bar and continued to look the place over, and saw what there was to see there for the people of this place.

The bar tender came over to me, and I noticed that instead of being that of a typical one that I had known that were usually large and round thanks to all of the eating that they had done over time, that this one was actually rather thin. “So my Lord Sir, what shall I do you for?” He asked.

I looked him right in the eyes. “Just what do you mean by that?” I asked him.

He looked me equally back in the eyes. “Well you are dressed as a lord, considering the armor and the cape and all; I figured that you are one.”

It was at that point that I decided that I would go with this, at least it might actually open doors for me that I had a feeling might not otherwise open up for me. After all there were those out there that would do literally anything for a Lord, besides no one could actually see my face here anyway, and that really did actually help things out. “Fine I am, now tell me since I’m not exactly from around these parts here, who exactly is living up in that big castle?” I asked him.

He looked me right in the eye again, and I could tell that he was looking for something that could tell him if I was to be trusted or not. Whoever was living in that castle must have inspired the deepest of loyalty, and that was something that I almost respected, however the one thing that I didn’t respect was loyalty from the end of a blade pointing at someone. “The Lord Alexander the Mightiest lives there, ruler of this entire realm. The only way that you might not know about him is if you’re not from this realm, and from what I can tell you are not at all from this realm.

Now that I knew who was up in the castle, something from the back of my mine mind was telling me that I needed to go see this Lord, and I needed to do it now. I left the place and traveled up to the front gate, after all if one wants to make the greatest of impacts, they travel through the front and makes sure that the one in charge takes full notice.

Walking up to the front gate, the guards took notice of me and moved to intercept, and that was when I did the one thing that I had a feeling might work, I pulled my helmet clean off my head, and showed them my face.

Suddenly they were down on their knees with their faces planted towards the ground, along with everyone around me as well, that right there alone confirmed what I had been thinking. The Lord of this town and on this world was a double, that hadn’t been something that I thought would happen considering that it would now be two worlds in a row that I had met my double, this world and the last one that I had been on, when I help him propose to the love of his life.

Once everyone had recovered from sucking the ground, the guards led me in and brought me directly to what they called the Great Hall, which was here, I met my double. “Well I never thought that I would ever meet another one of you, or should I say us.” Alexander said as he got up and came over to me.

I looked at him. “So you’ve met other doubles before I take it?”

He smiled as he walked over to a nearby balcony and waving for me to join him. “Yes I have met others before you, some of them good some of them not so good, but then when you’re living in this world, you’re going to want to make sure that you happen to have an advantage over others.” He said as he looked out over the town. “This entire world is of my own making, everything that you see here is because of what I’ve done. Not one single thing here has not been affected by me in the tiniest way. Even when you arrived here, your suit changed to become part of the world around you. Believe me; even I doubt that your suit looked like that before you came here. Understand that if you leave, your suit will revert back to the way it was before you had arrived.”

That right there caught me off guard. “What do you mean if I leave? I will be leaving here.” I told him.

“Many have said that before, and if they don’t die by my hand, then they just as often end up staying here instead. Plus the only reason why they would die by my hand in the first place is if they’re meant to. Understand this, even though you think that you came here as a random choice, you actually did not, for you were actually brought to this work to take the challenge that all of our other doubles end up taking. A fight to the death with me, and the winner takes this world for their own and everyone inside of it. The magic of this world is transferred to the winner, just as it was transferred to me, and has stayed with me for the past several years.” He finished telling me.

This right here wasn’t something that I liked in the least, however the one thing that I did know was that the suit still retained everything even though he said in his own words that it didn’t any more, it meant that I could leave any time that I wanted, at least as long as I wasn’t in the castle at all. There was some kind of field surrounding the whole of the castle and it wouldn’t allow my leap tech to send me to another world, and unlike the last time, this was something that was far different from before.

I stood right beside him and looked him right in the eyes. “OK so what do I have to do here in order to get to be on my way here?” I asked him.

He looked at me for a second before gesturing over to a servant that was standing nearby. “First off, there’s something that you’re going to be getting here, and understand that it’s a special something. Mind you I’ve tried this with others that have come and so far none of them have been able to do anything with it.” He told me as the servant brought over what I could clearly see was a sheathed sword.

I took the sword and held it covered before me. I could already tell that there was something about the sword that as going to make it extremely special, something that would changed up literally everything on this world, however what that something was I had no idea. I took the sheath and pulled it clean off, the sword started out as just plain metal, but then it started to glow in a way that I had never seen before, suddenly the blade turned crystalline on me and continued to glow brightly.

Alexander looked at both me and the blade, and I could tell that he couldn’t believe what he was seeing here. “I heard the legends, but never got to see till now, yes you are the one. The magic that’s in the sword only will respond to one, and that one is you.” He told me.

I held the sword for a minute more before putting it back in the sheath. “Great, so I get a magic sword, not like I haven’t gotten something before that might not help me on the next world.” I stated.

He smiled as he walked away from me. “Ah no, the sword cannot leave this world, at least not that I know of, but all things considered, everything that I’ve heard about is now up for debate. Ah no, a room shall be provided for you, and tomorrow our little contest shall begin. Get yourself ready.” He told me before leaving completely.

Great, here I was on a world that I had never been on before, and I was about to be fighting for my life, and oh yeah I got a brand new magic sword that I couldn’t even take with me, or at least I was told that I couldn’t take it with me. How true that was, even I didn’t know. “Perfect, just perfect.”

Felix Sanchez
Carrier for Martinez News-Gazette, Martinez, CA
Alhambra High School
Class of '97
Ninja Chronicles Blog (fictional):
Ninja Chronicles eBook Kindle:
Ninja Chronicles: The Return Blog (fictional):

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