Monday, February 10, 2014

Worldly Doubles Pt. 2

When we arrived on her world, the place looked exactly like mine to that point that I was a little hesitant on seeing everything, I mean I knew that world would look the same, but the point of being a photo copy, that right there was getting a little nuts. I was almost thinking that someone might come out and shoot me, but I knew that this Earth didn’t have that, after all Alexis was me or at least a female version of me. Still I was going to keep my guard up either way.


Alexis took me to where she had been living before and met her parents for the first time, which was when I realized that things here were completely different from my world. Not only were Alexis’s parents still together, but they didn’t look like mine at all, they were the complete opposite of what my parents looked like if my mother had been born a guy and my father a girl. I really didn’t have words for this at all.


Alexis nodded to me. “Mom, dad, I’d like to introduce you to someone. He’s not only not from this world, he’s a bit special.” She told them. They couldn’t see me just yet since I was directly behind her and the fact that my helmet was still on. “This is Alex, and he’s from a world that is the direct opposite from ours in every way.” She told them as she stepped out of the way so that she could give them a full view of me.


I was looking elsewhere when I heard the audible gasp. I turned my head to face them, and folded my helmet down to show them my face, and that’s when the mother fainted. I knew that they were looking at the boy version of their only daughter. “That’s not possible.” The father stated.


I looked to him and knew that he didn’t understand. “Actually yes it is. Considering that your daughter and I travel to different dimensional worlds we were bound to meet up sooner or later, it was only a matter of time.” I told him.


I left Alexis to tend to them, since her father had become a babbling fool at that point. I moved over to the window to check out the area around the home, the white building that was exactly the same as the one that used to be across from the home that I had lived in for the longest time. I knew that I was going to have to check out more of this world, considering that so far I had only seen what Alexis had shown me. “Ah, Alexis, I’m going to go fly around and see what I can see.” I told her as I head for the door next to me.


The father looked at me, and then to his daughter. “And just how in the world is he supposed to do that, he can’t get down to the street from there?” He asked her.


However before he had the chance to even say anything, my ride in the form of my glider showed up right in front of the door. “This is how.” I told him as I got on and left them behind.


I flew out over the town and the city to see what I could make of this world, and it looked very interesting to say the least. Everything here was exactly the way it looked on my world, only with one major difference it seemed, no one was shooting at me, which means that they didn’t have the same dislike of me that those on my world did. I also figured that if I tried to look anyone up here that I knew on my own world, they not only would look male, they may not look anything like how I figured that they should look in the first place. So instead I just flew over everything to get a better look at it all, besides it also gave me time to the one thing that I haven’t been able to do for a while, and that’s think. I know that I’ve had a bit of time to do that just visiting worlds and exploring, but some of the time I just didn’t want to consider everything that I had been through since leaving the Minute World as I had come to call it behind. I knew that traveling between dimensional worlds makes sure that your internal clock gets a bit screwed up, but that was why I kept my home time, I had to make sure that I knew how much time I had spent traveling. Besides the one thing that I didn’t tell Alexis, was that besides the clock that gave him the current time, he also had a stop watch timer going that gave him the current time totals for how long I had been gone for.


As I continued to fly over everything, I noticed that there was something different up there with me; I couldn’t see it per say, but the air around me had changed a bit. My suit’s computer system started to detect something that wasn’t right with the air around me, there seemed to be like an electrical charge, and with the signature that I realized what in the world it was. I was moments away from getting hit with the blast of an EMP blast, and that was the one thing that I wanted to avoid. My suit was insulated from it, but the glider however I couldn’t get that insulated. I tried flying away from it and headed off towards the water to see if I could fly of the blast range, but the charge seemed to be following me.


“Now that’s not possible.” I said; that was when I decided to head for the ground. I figured that I might be able to use something to get between that blast and me. I also increased speed after I got low enough flying around cars and buildings trying to get out of the way, but I discovered at that point that it was going right through everything and that the path was going to also knock out anything that I put between us, and it didn’t look like there was anything that I could do. “I need to get away from this thing.” I stated as I decided to head right out for the water.


Once I was out over the bay, I headed at first in a straight line and just jetted over the water and close to it as low as the glider could go without going under. However the faster that I traveled over the water, there was a wall of water forming up behind me, and that’s when I noticed the reason why it wasn’t leaving me. The blast had already been fired, but considering that it hadn’t hit me made me start to wonder who had wanted to shot me in the first place. The only reason I knew it was there behind me at all, was because of the electrical charge that it was sending through the water and pulling from it, which meant that it was staying right as it had been fired. Then I checked the energy signature and noticed that it was a little lower in energy than when it had started off the first time, but once I had gotten over the water, the walls that I was forming up has suspended it at the current level that it was at. I knew I once again had to change the game up in order to defeat this.


I flew back into the air again and out over the city and this time I lowered the Earth Warp nacelles from the underside of the glider, however I didn’t engage them since I had a feeling that if I did, then the pulse would go right into it and then get ramped up again and be worse off than when I had started this little fight in the first place. I pushed the engines into the red just to pull away, and it actually worked slightly, considering that I was breaking the sound barrier on this world a couple of times, and even that got me a little worried.


By now I figured that I was far enough away and set off a missile that would go off the moment that it came in touch with the EM energy from the pulse, and that right there would be my cue. Once the blast went off and I knew that more of the EM energy had been shunted from the pulse, I kicked in the Earth Warp engines and took off. Once again the world around me bent and stretched and I knew that I was moving extremely fast, but about a second after I kicked in the engine, I cut it off and came out and the pulse was gone when I looked back. I turned the glider around and kicked the engines back in and went back to where I had come from. When I arrived, all traces of the EM signature were gone, and I knew right then that the trick had worked.


I went back to Alexis’s house and landed right in front of the open door. “You would not believe the day that I’ve just had here.” I stated as I walked in and glanced at the television that was playing a news broadcast.


“We know; we were watching the entire flight. What in the world were you flying from and so fast for?” Alexis asked.


I folded the helmet back down and sat on their couch. “I was trying to get away from an EM pulse that someone had fired at me as I flew over the city just checking everything out. My suits computer had detected it, but I couldn’t see it either, and I thought that it was something that was about to be fired at me, but I didn’t know that it had already been fired till after I had gotten out over the water, the wall of water that I was making out there had shown me a few things about it. So that was when I figured that there was only one way to get away from it and make sure that it also wouldn’t harm anyone else. I took off fast.” I told them.


“Well if you didn’t want them to know you were here before, then you can forget that idea.” Alexis told me.


Considering that I was all over the news, I knew this to be true for that, there was no getting around that at all, and from what I could see there were cameras out front starting to gather. “Great, this is the last thing that I wanted on any world. Of course there are times that it can’t be avoided, and I really hate those times.” I stated. I got up and headed out and got on the glider. “Looks like I’m going to have to go meet the masses.” I stated as I lifted the glider up and flew down to meet them.


The crowd came in closer, but I noticed not too close all things considered. I hacked into Alexis’s suit and asked her a simple question. “Alexis, do they know about you here outside the suit?” I asked her.


“What…how in the world did you, ugh…no they don’t and I’ll be down there shortly.” She told me.


After I was close enough to the ground, I jumped off and just stood there as I had the glider move off and up into the air, then Alexis joined me by dropping in from above. It was then that we got swarmed. This was actually something that I had dealt with before and knew how to deal with it. First off I took out a sonic blaster disk that I had been given on another world, I pressed a button on it and a sonic pulse came out and sent everyone to their knees, and blew out a few windows at the same time. That couldn’t be helped, but it shut everyone around us up.


“Now that I’ve got your attention, can everyone here please step back?” I asked them all. Slowly they all got up and moved back away from me and Alexis. “Good now that that’s done, we can all be able to do this without anyone getting hurt, and if anyone here gets out of line, I’ll do the sonic sound again, got it.” I told them pointing at them. I wasn’t about to take any chances with anyone.


Alexis and I were the only ones that hadn’t gone down since we were both wearing our helmets. However before we got the chance to start anything that was when someone from the back in a truck that I hadn’t noticed was there in the first place spoke up. “I don’t care if there’s one or two of you, I’ll kill you both. We don’t need heroes in this world, and that’s coming from the boss himself.” A very large guy said from the back of the truck.


All of us turned to look at him, and then as one the crowd parted before them clearing the way to Alexis and I. “OK that right there is one very big gun.” I said.


Before I had a chance to say anything else, he leveled it at me and fired, and it was then that I found out that the gun was an energy weapon, namely since I was only able to say one word before getting hit and blacking out from it. “Crap!”

Felix Sanchez
Carrier for Martinez News-Gazette, Martinez, CA
Alhambra High School
Class of '97
Ninja Chronicles Blog (fictional):
Ninja Chronicles eBook Kindle:
Ninja Chronicles: The Return Blog (fictional):

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