Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Worldly Magic Pt. 2

There comes a point in every person’s life, and more than likely it’s going to be in mine several times long before I stop traveling between worlds, that they have to make a choice that they’re wondering why in the world they made it in the first place. For me that choice came when I was standing out in a field right back behind the castle that I had been staying in for the past couple of days, I was going to be in a one on one tournament for my very life, mind you I would still get to live considering that I wasn’t going to die, at least not by this doubles hands, otherwise I wouldn’t be here now telling you all this now. But just the thought of everything that happens, and what I have to do in order to be able to get it all done, that right there was driving me nuts.

I looked over the set of weapons that they had there, and what he didn’t know yet, was that I had everything that I was going to need already on me. “So choose your bow already, considering that the first challenge is archery, choose your bow already.” Alexander stated.

I looked a few of them over and even hefted a few of them to get the feel of them, but instead pulled out of my belt something that looked like a rod of sorts and held it in my hands as I walked back over to the firing line.

“Do you honestly think that you’re going to be able to fire those arrows with a rod?” He said as he hefted his own and then fired a shot at the target since he was the one that was supposed to go first.

What Alexander hadn’t noticed was that I had shaken the rod a bit and the shape of the rod had changed, and what it had changed into was that of a handle. There was a button on the inside that I pressed, a moment later a full bow had completely unfolded from the handle rod, a bow with a built in string to it. I quickly strung the bow and reach back to where a quiver had completely unfolded once I had triggered the bow to unfold. Took one of the arrows and strung it up and took arm and fired it, all within a minute. I took the shot and fired yet again, I fired a total of three times, and all at the same target. Now considering I didn’t know when the next chance I would get to make them, I just made sure that they were all next to each other on the target. Once I was finished, I lowered the bow and looked at Alexander. “I saw that you owned one and figured that I could use my own.” I said.

I noticed that he wasn’t too happy about what I had done in the first place. “How in the world is that working, when no tech can work on this world?” He asked.

I walked over to him while hefting the bow and looking at it. “First off, this isn’t tech, mind you it’s made from tech, but it isn’t. This right here is made of micro-fold technology which allows it to fold up completely and extremely compact, it’s micro spring loaded, but can be opened and ready for use in less than a minute.” With that I turned to face the targets and fired off a shot for each of the targets there hitting each one dead in the center. “Your argument is invalid anyway, I’m not like the other versions of us that came to this world, not only is my suit modular, but at the same time, everything I have still works.” I told him.

I could see that he was getting extremely pissed off, but instead of attacking me, he handed his bow off to a servant and walked over to another table and picked up a sword. “It seems that I should be going back to basics with you.” He stated as he picked up the sword that I had held before and tossed it to me. “And since this only seems to want to work for you, maybe you should fully check it over and see what you can see from it.” He said to me.

Personally I couldn’t understand anything else that there might be to see from the sword, again once I took it out the of the sheath, it started to glow a pure light of the type I’ve never seen before. However as I looked it over, I noticed that there was minor things that someone like Alexander might’ve glossed over thinking that there was nothing different about it. What I saw was a trigger, one that actually worked by way of something that shouldn’t even be possible in this world, a bio-lock trigger. I held the sword with the blade tip pointing towards the ground, and then pressed the button. Considering that I didn’t expect anything to work on it at all, I was actually a bit surprised when the blade and cross guard dropped and lodged right into the ground, the glow had left once the handle and the upper half parted ways. I turned the handle over and looked at it and then realized what I was looking at and then pointed it away from me before pressing the button yet again. This time a blade of a different sort came out of the handle, one that shouldn’t even be possible in this world at all. A laser blade.

“That’s not possible; no technology should be possible on this world at all. What is allowing this to be possible?” Alexander asked that I couldn’t begin to answer.

Suddenly things came into my mind that I have never thought would ever happen. Images of not only how to work both swords, but at the same time, an entire history that was hard to believe, but was entirely true. I flipped the energy blade over and brought it down on the upper half at the same time that I deactivated the blade. The way the entire thing worked out, it was like I was sheathing the energy into the crystal blade, and it honestly could’ve been like that considering that the blade glowed again. However this time instead of resheathing the blade, I held the sword over my head and the energy in the blade glowed even brighter, it continued to get brighter and then all at once then energy flew back to the blade, or where the blade had been and vanished. I knew exactly what happened to the sword, I had sent it back to where it had been taken from ages ago, back when the first person to take it didn’t know what he had taken in the first place. I knew that I would be the only one to call forth the sword or to operate it, and I could be able to call it forth literally from any dimensional world that I traveled to, no matter where in the world I traveled.

As my mind cleared, yet held everything that had been placed into my mind remained, it was all like nothing that I had ever experienced before. At the same time, I knew that I had to keep everything hidden from Alexander here, whom at this point once my mind returned to the world that I was currently on, and he was yelling right into my face. Instinct kicked in at that point and I punched him in the gut and then started in on a series of punches that just about laid him out on the ground. Once he was on the ground several feet away from me and groaning, I knew that something bad was going to happen.

“Take him away, he stays confined to his room, and take his armor, strip him bare. Everything that he has take it from him, I want him left only with his shorts and nothing else.” Alexander stated as he was helped up off the ground by one of the servants. “You will see the folly of trying to oppose me, trust me on this, they all do, and in the end they all either ended up dead or just staying out in the outer lands. Take him away.”

I was taken away back to the room that I had been given, however when they tried to remove the suit, they discovered that unlike past times where they knew the armor that they were pulling off of someone, this was one time that they didn’t have a clue. “Ah guys, I arrived on this world with this suit on and even though it changed to this look, it’s still the same suit which means that it’s not coming off any time soon.” I told them.

They both back up and then after they were through the door and it was closed, they locked it and walked over. Right off I knew these guys weren’t the smartest bunch in the least. I walked over to the window that looked out over the lands and scanned out, I could only see to the south over the area of the castle that I had been around earlier today, but this was something else. I could see whole villages out there, and I could see that things weren’t as great as he was leaving me to believe. Somehow, I needed to get out there and get a better look around, but at the same time I needed to take this guy down and hard.

Considering that I didn’t know how long I was going to be there for, I figured that I might as well get something started here, and for the rest of the world looked like I was staring right out the window that I realized I could actually slip right out of. Right as I started working on checking everything fully out and getting the details that I needed, there was a knocking at the door, and then the lock clicked and it opened up to reveal a servant coming in. “Your meal master, with special drink.” He stated. As he looked down at the floor the entire time and backed out of the place.

After the door was closed and locked, I walked over to the food and checked it over and noticed that there was something in the drink, just as the servant has said. It was a message, ‘I know who you are, and I know what’s going to happen, when the time comes you will have no choice but to kill him and take the power that you’re going to use to free this world from what he’s done.’ Great something else that was placed into my hands that I was going to have to take care of, but it was the whole killing thing that I didn’t like too much.

I walked over to the window and held up the note to the light to see if there was anything else that I needed to know, and sadly, there was nothing. “Great, how in the world do I find myself in these places?” I asked myself. Again sadly no one answered. “Looks like I’m going to have no choice in the matter. Alexander is going to have to die.” I whispered to myself.

Felix Sanchez
Carrier for Martinez News-Gazette, Martinez, CA
Alhambra High School
Class of '97
Ninja Chronicles Blog (fictional): http://ninjachroniclesstories.blogspot.com/
Ninja Chronicles eBook Kindle: http://www.amazon.com/Ninja-Chronicleskindle
Ninja Chronicles: The Return Blog (fictional): http://ninjachroniclesthereturn.blogspot.com/

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