Sunday, December 14, 2014

Arrow Ninja Chronicles Crossover Pt. 2

(Writer's note: The three part episode will NOT appear in the final book version of the Ninja Chronicles Vol. 2 series, because the writer does not have copy right permission for the characters that will be appearing and fighting alongside Ninja in this trilogy story arc here.)


It had been at least three hours since I had been done in the lower basement of the nightclub that I was now standing in. The place was called Verdant, and in the world that I came from, this place had taken a back seat in the world of Green Arrow. I figured that the world that I was in was an earlier version than the DC world that I had been in before, which was actually understandable considering that each world that I was on acted differently from the rest of them. No two of the worlds that I had been on were ever the same. Of course I had also taken a rapid flash through a bunch of different worlds while trying to get away from a female double of mine that I honestly had to wonder if I would ever see her again.

All things considered I knew that I had to watch out here, considering that the Oliver Queen of this world at the current time wasn't too trusting, at least not yet. Plus the point that I had arrived at, certain things were going to happen that I honestly didn't know if I had the ability to prevent them from happening, or if I was asked to at the time, should I do it in the first place. After all, I knew the history of this world before they even knew it, and I had to make sure that everything stayed on track, no matter what my desires or wishes might be to the contrary.

I had been sitting at the bar dressed in regular clothes with my power suit in standby mode on my wrist like a watch, it had been something that I came up with on the minute world given that the tech that was inside of it couldn't be allowed to fall into someone's hands that couldn't be trusted with it at all. Basically the tech was called micro fold technology, and it would allow each and every single piece of the suit to be able to fold onto and into itself allowing the entire suit to virtually compress down to the size of anything that I desired at the start. So considering that I needed a quick way to get the suit back on in a moment's notice, I figured that the best thing that could be done was that the suit be in standby mode folded into a watch. Then when I needed it, I could unfold a trigger and once pressed, the entire suit would be back unfolded and on me in a heartbeat, never letting me lose any momentum that I might've gathered prior to putting the suit on.

Anyway, there I was sitting at the bar in regular clothes with a drink in hand wondering how everything was going to turn out here.

Suddenly I felt a tap on my shoulder and the one that I knew as Speedy was talking to me. "Come on, Oliver wants to talk to you?" He stated.

I got up and gestured for him to lead the way. Once we were back down in the basement, I noticed that Diggle had his gun out and at the ready. "Trust me on this Diggle, you're not going to need that, however I've got a feeling that at the current time like Oliver here, you don't quite trust me enough to want to put that away I take it."

"Something like that." He stated.

Oliver looked at me from over next to where Felicity sat at her computer. "OK I get and understand that you're not from our world, however I would like to know what world you are from, and how in the world do you know what you know in the first place?" He asked me.

At first I looked at the ground, considering that I really didn't know what to say in the first place, but then it all came to me. "The world that I come from is similar to this one; however there are key differences between them. For one thing," I said as I started walking around the place like I owned it. "None of you folks are real in the world that I come from. However I do believe that there might just be a double of me somewhere on this world, but at the current time I'm not one to go looking for him in the first place. Right now, I honestly couldn't tell you why I'm here, if it was just a random world that I hit, or if there's some reason why I'm here in the first place. However all that being said and wondered about, I do try and help out in the best way that I can, and I guess that means going after the main person that's behind all of this." I said. "However I doubt right now that you're going to trust me in anything that I say, considering that you have no idea if everything I'm telling you is true or completely made up." I finished.

I could tell that Oliver was taking the time to think everything over before he said anything. Something told me that he wasn't going to believe me at all. "OK I believe you." He said; OK I was wrong on that note, so sue me.

I walked over to him and leaning in close whispered. "Trust me; you're not going to regret anything."

Oliver turned and looked me right in the eyes. "Please don't make me regret it either." He said. Turning he walked over to where Felicity sat at the computer and leaned over her. "So tell me what you got from these guys?" He asked her.

Felicity started typing at even a speed that I was having a hard time keeping up with; I started seeing images that were just dancing over the screen like crazy. "OK, so with the botched robbery that took place, we already know that he's trying to get the ingredients in order to make that Mirakuru drug. However not everything needed was found there in the first place, I've already looked up locations where the rest might be at, but to be honest it's going to be a long shot in order to find the correct place. The one main problem that we happen to have is that they're in three different locations, and all of them extremely well guarded after what just happened." She told him.

I knew of a way that I could help, but I honestly didn't know if he was going to like it or not. "I can help you out." I told Oliver. "I've got something that will get me to one of them fast; you didn't see it with me when I arrived because it wasn't with me when I left the last world. However when I change worlds, it automatically leaps with me so that way it stays with me the entire time." I explained.

Oliver looked at me. "OK where is it?" He asked.

"It's currently hovering directly over my location right now." I told him.

Oliver looked right then like he was going to shove me through a wall. "Wait you're telling me that there's something flying over our location right now giving us away."

I looked at him. "Yes and no. Yes it's flying over us right now, and no it's not giving our location away because the device that's called a glider is currently cloaked right now so no one knows it's there." I explained.

"What about an engine noise, surely people would've been wondering where in the world it's coming from?" Diggle asked.

"Yeah I had to deal with that on one of the other worlds that I had been too, that was about six worlds after I had started leaping. Turned out that when I arrived even though the glider was cloaked, the engine was pissing the local natives off and they were trying to do everything that they could in order to destroy it. Of course it didn't help things that on that world, the natives were still far younger than they are now. So I did the one thing that I could think of that would stop the sound and that was put a suppression unit into the engine so that when the glider was cloaked, the engine wouldn't make a sound at all." I finished explaining.

All of them were looking at me with a stunned look, considering the amount of times that I had gotten that look; I was actually used to it by this point. "Alright then, but I want you hooked up here so that we can see what you see." Oliver told me. That was something that I had no problems with at all.

I turned towards the computer, while at the same time unfolding and putting the suit back up. Once I had it fully up, I looked towards the computer system that was set up and linked up. Felicity was slightly startled when the computer came to life on its own and the sync up started working. "OK, next time, don't do that." She told me. "Or at least warn me, but now that you're synced up with the computer, we can see and hear everything that you do." She finished.

"Just direct me there, or if you want, you can use your new link to put a map up for me to follow on my own to the location." I stated as I headed for the exit to the place.

When I got out to the street and called the glider down, I hadn't realized that Oliver had followed me out there. "Since I don't know how you are under fire, watch yourself, these may not be like anything you've encountered before on any other world." He told me.

I turned around and looked him right in the eyes. "Believe me on this, that's the one thing that I honestly think about on each and every world that I happen to visit." I told him as I uncloaked the glider behind me. "This will be like any other world that I've gone to, however here they're all hyped and drugged up and more than likely a little like the ones from the last version of this world that I had been to. So basically no worries." I finished as I hopped onto the glider and flew off in the direction that had been given to me, and for the first time really wondering what in the world I was getting into on this world.

Felix Sanchez
Carrier for Martinez News-Gazette, Martinez, CA
Alhambra High School
Class of '97
Ninja Chronicles Blog (fictional):
Ninja Chronicles eBook Kindle:
Ninja Chronicles: The Return Blog (fictional):

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