Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Time World Pt. 2

Time World Pt.2


When I arrived back on the former ice world, considering that's what I had called it when I first arrived here back when the entire planet looked like it had been going through a permanent ice age. However when the blue field faded from view and I was once again looking back over that world, I noticed something right off; the entire world had changed greatly.

Before I made the leap back to this world from the Time World, I moved to where I knew I would find the leaders of this world. However I wasn't expecting to see technology of a level that this world hadn't seen before. Which only went to tell me that these people were very eager to find the one called Sub-Master no matter what world he was on, and by doing that just like in war time, it had jumped everything on this world far faster than it should have by any means.

I flew the glider over to where I thought the council of this world might be, and sure enough I found them there, and except for two of them which I took for the most highest. I walked over to them, unfolding my helmet so they would see who it was.

"Ah, hey there, what you guys up to? Looks like you're amassing an army out there." I pointed out.

I could tell as one of them looked at me that they were only going to grudgingly acknowledge me if at all. "Oh, it's you." One of them stated.

I realized that a lot of things had changed on this world, and one of them was the ranking structure of the planet. I was going to have a lot to learn here. "So what's going on, and what's with the new duds?" I asked.

"Since you left, there's been a bit of changes around here. We decided to take your advice and go looking for him as well." One of them told me.

"Wait so you're actually going to attempt to travel through dimensions in order to go find the one that turned this world into an ice ball?" I asked.

One of them looked up, and I realized that he seemed to be the leader here, namely considering that he had far more decorations on him than the other guy did. "No Alex, not attempt, we're actually going to travel through. You see since you were last here, we've actually gone into great strides with inter-dimensional travel. We sent scouts all over the dimensional landscape till we found him, and yes we did find him. So we're going there now, and if that world continues to harbor him, they will face a force like nothing that they have ever known."

I good see by the look in his eyes that he really didn't care who got caught in the cross fire with this. An entire world invaded from another dimension with whole families getting caught up in the cross fire, and what they didn't know what that there was an entire super powered team ready and willing to take these people on and more than likely wipe them out. First they would lay waste to the military force that was here, and then they would travel to this world and completely wipe out this entire capital and everyone here.

"OK, first off, glad you found him. Second, I think you might want to rethink the entire go in guns blazing issue, after all you don't know what this world has when it comes to those that defend it." I told them.

Their leader looked at him. "If you're talking about those Time Masters that are there, we've learned everything about them, including their weaknesses, we know how to take them down." He told me.

I knew at that point that there was going to be no talking him down at all. I had to think of something that would be able to do it, but in truth I didn't. They knew about the Time Masters, which meant that they knew about the Time Team on whole. "Look what if I told you that the one you're after is actually willing to come back here and stand trial for what he did." I told him.

That right there got his attention. "Wait, you're saying that he's actually willing to come back to this world?" He asked.

Considering that he didn't say stand trial got me a little concerned. "Yeah he is. When he went to that world, he tried pulling off what he did here there, and it failed thanks to the Time Masters. He's been mostly holed up in that world's northern area for the majority of the time that he's been there. He had tried a few times after to do something, but each attempt failed." I told them. At this point everyone in the room was now looking at me. "So right now they're over there waiting for me to come back to let them know that he's able to come back. Basically giving you guys the heads up, and by the look of things outside not a moment too soon either. After all, you guys aren't an invading force hell bent on taking over other worlds, you're just looking for one man, though one man with the ability to create ice and freeze places over. Still this right here saves you all the trouble." I finished.

Their leader looked down at the table, and then walked over to a nearby window that actually looked out over the troops that were gathering to travel through. "Fine, go back and bring him here. We will not travel through and invade that world." He told me.

One of the guy in the military get ups stepped towards their leader. "Supreme Chancellor, are you sure that this is wise. After all, they've harbored him all this time; shouldn't they be punished for harboring him?"

I could tell that the Supreme Chancellor, as they called him, was thinking that over. Something about that military guy struck a nerve deep down, something that I could tell wasn't going to sit well with me later on. "No, for right now, we'll allow Alex to bring him back, then we'll go from there."

I walked over to the Supreme Chancellor. "You're making the wise choice right now. I'll bring him and the Time Masters here. The Time Masters will only be there to make sure that he doesn't get out of line. By the way, over there they've been calling him Sub-Master." I told him as I called my glider over to me. It flew along the floor to me where I got on it. I already knew that in the world that I was traveling back to, there was nothing here. "I will be back, I will appear back over towards where the edge of the ground here are." I told him, however I didn't state exactly where, I wanted to keep that a surprise. I leapt right before he had a chance to actually ask exactly where.


When I arrived, I was in the air right where I thought that I would be, which mean that if someone was looking right where I was when I arrived they would've seen my blue leap burst of energy. Wouldn't matter anyway, I'd be coming back here with everyone.

I flew off towards the location that they were at, still hoping that nothing had changed since I left a little while ago. By the time that I had arrived there, I could sense that there was a huge amount of tension with everyone in the chamber, even my HUD had switched over to combat mode which is something that it rarely did on its own.

"OK, this is something that I didn't think I would encounter when I got back here." I pointed out.

"Yeah, things have been a bit tense since you left." Their third Chris pointed out. "How'd things go over there anyway?" He asked.

"Well they're ready and waiting, I told them that I would be bringing him back with you guys as well, and considering that you guys have been keeping him in check all this time, I figured that you would be the best ones to continue to keep him in check even now going over to the other side to make sure that he doesn't do anything that he shouldn't." I told them. "However the others I don't know about, considering that they're not from this world either.

It was then that the one with the bubble on his head spoke up. "My world banished me, so my associate and I have no world to go to, however unlike Sub-Master here, we are not from another dimension, we are from another planet in this universe." He finished.

Well looks like that one got settled right there. Which mean that as much as some would've liked to have left them behind, there was no way that they could be left behind. Head knew this before I had even thought about it, but he didn't say anything. Instead he walked over to them and took something out of where his waist was, which to me looked like there was nothing there in the first place, and asked both of them to raise their hands up. The both did so and Head put what looked like a restraining cord around their wrists. Once that was done he activated them and they started glowing blue, but I could tell that nothing beyond that was going to happen, at least that's what it looked like to me.

After that was done, Head walked over to me and stood before me. "Alright, where do we go?" He asked.

I looked at him dead in the eyes through my HUD. "Got a ship we can transport them with?" I asked.

An hour later we were flying through the air, Sub-Master and Sub-Mistress secured in seats just behind the cockpit area. The two aliens, one of whom I learned was called Dr. NoRight (no idea where in the world they came up with that name), were secured in an aft holding cell with tech that turned out to be from not only from another dimension, but far more advanced than even the good doctor would understand.

"So you're sure about these people?" I was asked by Amy, the fourth Time Master.

"To be honest, before I would've said yes, now after what I saw on their world before I came back here, I'm not so sure. When I was there, they had an entire invasion force there ready and waiting to go. Their Supreme Chancellor made the right call by having me come back to get you all, but I'm worried about his military advisor after I left there. Considering that he was willing to punish not just you guys, but your entire world as well. I mean this guy looked like he was hell bent on not only invasion, but also taking over your world. Believe me I've seen that before, and it's not a good thing." I told them.

Head was in the pilot's seat. "Well then, we'll just have to be on our guard then won't we?" He stated. "We're coming up on the location now. From what you've told us, we should be just outside their outer wall now. Once we land, Ninja, you'll go outside and leap us to that other world. They know your energy signature; they don't know ours and I don't want them finding out either." He told me.

To be honest, that was something that I really hadn't thought of till he said something, and even then I didn't fully think about it till I was outside the ship and I realized what he meant. If these people now had the ability to cross dimensions, then what was stopping them from tracking my energy signature? That was something that I would eventually have to deal with after we crossed over, because right now, we had no idea what in the world was awaiting us on the other side.

Now in order for me to leap me along with the ship, I was going to have to change up everything on my onboard computer in my suit. I had only done this once before, when I was taking just a person, this time it was going to be an entire ship with people on board. After I got everything reconfigured, I took the leap, having no idea what in the world we were leaping into.

Felix Sanchez
Carrier for Martinez News-Gazette, Martinez, CA
Postmates Courier, San Francisco, CA
Alhambra High School
Class of '97
My Political World Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/My-Political-World/
Ninja Chronicles Blog (fictional): http://ninjachroniclesstories.blogspot.com/
Ninja Chronicles eBook Kindle: http://www.amazon.com/Ninja-Chronicleskindle
Ninja Chronicles: The Return Blog (fictional): http://ninjachroniclesthereturn.blogspot.com/

Monday, October 5, 2015

Time World Pt. 1

Time World Pt.1


Now by this point you know that I've been to a LOT of different worlds, different versions of the same Earth. I mean for all intents and purposes I was no longer on the Earth that I knew and was on a totally different planet. So that's actually happened to me each time that I've made a leap to a different world. However none of them, not even the superhero worlds that I had been to, none of them were like this at all.

My onboard computer showed that this world was actually two minutes ahead of actual time, which was something different, considering that in the minute universe my clock didn't even turn on since time didn't register on that world at all. However by all accounts this world looked like home, like I had actually traveled back to my main home world, even though I knew that not to be true.

I flew around the sky far over head checking everything out down below to make sure that everything was fine and that no one was going to attack me any time soon. Yeah right, honestly I have to watch what I both say and think, considering that no sooner had I thought that then something came flying at me and fast. I was barely able to dodge out of the way in time before it almost hit me. I looked around to see where it had gone and noticed that there was a figured floating in the air above me. As I looked at it, I could tell that it was a lone guy that was there. At first I couldn't tell if he was looking at me or something else.

"I don't know who you are, but if you happen to have any bad intentions here, you will be stopped." He stated.

Guess he was looking at me. I check the nearby air space around me and noticed that there were three other figures that were floating around me, and at different points in the air. Of course they had no idea who in the world I was or anything that I could do, at least I didn't think that they did. So I decided to pull my version of a teleport and leaped to another dimension and flying off before leaping back. Considering that I was in a completely different location than before, they were taken off guard, but it was only for a moment since right after that, they took off after me. I opened up the engines on the glider to full and took off flying. I knew that moving in any direction was going to be tricky in tight turns, but then again, they had no idea about what my glider could do in the first place.

As I flew along, I noticed that there was only three that were flying after me, I looked around and noticed that one of them had somehow gotten ahead of me and was now waiting for me to arrive. However considering how far ahead of me he was, I was able to change direction and move out of the way. I decided that if there was going to be any fight here, that we might as well get out of any area where there might people that might get hurt. I moved and pointed us towards a desert that I knew was in that direction and opened up the Earth Warp Drive and the area tunneled out and then once the area that I was going for was reached, everything once again returned to normal. I flew down to a mountain spot and jumped off the glider and stood there waiting, the location that I had picked was one that I hope was called the same thing on this world as it was on the world that I came from Mount Diablo as it was called back on my home world.

I watched as not one but four people flew towards me and from what I could see, they flew on their own, nothing like what I had. They stopped short out of what they thought was my firing range, but they didn't know that they were well within my firing range.

"Who are you and what do you want on our world." One of them asked. He looked to be the leader of them.

I just stood there looking at them; I switched to scanner and figured that I could learn a little something about them before I said anything. The scanner I had actually installed back on the first world where I did most of my slight modifications before doing more on the Minute World, and it was something that actually came in handy quite often.

What I saw amazed me. We're talking on a molecular level, they had started off as normal humans till something had happened and then they had been changed. Their systems appeared to be in a state of constant temporal flux, but it was one that was controlled by mental powers. They knew that they could travel through time, but they were in full control over the entire thing from start to finish, it boiled down to the fact that unless they wanted to travel through times they wouldn't. Hell they could think about it and still stay unless they actually changed that in their minds. I personally had never met anyone like this ever before. They had other powers and abilities beyond the time travel, personal flight, different vision powers, all kinds of things that they could do, and they could all do this on each of their own.

During the short time that it took to actually scan them, it seemed that the one that asked me the question of what I was doing here was getting a little upset. "So what are you doing here?" He asked again.

"To be honest," I told him. "I was actually just passing through. Your world was one of many that I could've gone to, however my system was set on random at the time, and this world was the one that I ended up leaping to in the first place. I had no plans to attack anyone or anything, usually when I travel to a new world as this is for me, I tend to explore and learn what I can about that world before leaping and moving on. This was the first time that I had been attacked right off the bat instead of being asked anything." I told him.

I could tell just by the twitches on the sides of his mouth that he wasn't happy about what I had said, like he was used to being in control and I was someone that came along and somehow is screwing everything up for him. "So if you're exploring, why did you appear in the middle of the sky?" He asked me.

"The only reason why I leaped in the sky is because when I leap from world to world I never know exactly where the world is that I'm going to be leaping to. After all, even though the leap takes a second, each world that I travel to, is not in a fixed dimensional position, each one of them is in a completely different place than before. For example I could leap from here to another world, however for all I know once I leave this mountain I could end up in New York City in a different world. That's how the inter-dimensional leap works." I told him.

I could see in his eyes that he was thinking over everything that I was saying, and knew that something was happening in his mind, I just didn't know what. I took another look at them, but this time not from the point that I had before, this time is was just on the outside appearance only. I noticed that his look was far different from the rest of theirs. Even though the outfits that they wore were skin tight, they were all blue with the exception of a red star that covered the entire front of their bodies. Each of them had a different mask covering their faces. The leader of this group has what looked like a very thin visor on his face, while one had a thick visor, and one had a mask that just covered his eyes and cheek bones but that was it; it was like it had been painted on. The last one that happened to be a female that floated by the leaders side had a wrap around head mask that had two large lenses covering her eyes.

I was seriously starting to wonder what was up with this world. "So what do I call you folks anyway, all things considered?" I asked him and them.

I could tell that he was thinking about it but wasn't too sure. "We're called the Time Masters, and this world is called the Time World." He told me.

Now that right there was something that really got me interested. They had actually named their own dimension, which only told me that they had dealt with this sort of thing before. "So I take it that you've run into others that traveled to this world from other dimensions before, or have traveled to other dimensions yourselves?" I asked him, as I walked over to my glider and sat down on it.

I could see that out of all of them, he was the only one that looked a little irritated that I looked to be treating this whole thing so casually. "Yes we have. Some of them have been like yourself where they only stopped by before moving on, others have come here, and have tried taking over and enslaving the world under their own thumb, only because of the fact that they had destroyed their own world. Right now we've got a few of them here on this world out of sight only because they have no other world to travel to, you might've even visited some of their worlds before, in fact one of them looked to be nothing but ice." He stated.

I thought back to each of the worlds that I had been on and even scrolled through them on my HUD, and low and behold one of them had been nothing but ice. Even the people on that world had been frozen, however I had been able to thaw that world out and last I knew, they were looking into inter-dimensional travel in order to find the one that had done this so that they could bring him to trial.

After I had gone through those images and had closed that part of the screen out, I noticed that the leader wasn't floating in the air any more, nope he was standing on the ground right in front of me. Personally I didn't know if that freaked me out even more, but I wasn't going to deal with it right then and there. Maybe I could help the people of that one world out once again.

"I've been to that world, thawed them out too, now they're looking to create inter-dimensional travel in order to find him and bring him to trial. However even I see that as something that would end up being more dangerous to them than to the worlds around them in the first place. Since you know where he happens to be located, why don't we all go there so that way I can get him and bring him back to that world." I suggested.

I could see that he was thinking about it. "Fine, let's go." Was the only thing he said.


Turns out that we were heading north to the polar cap, why we were going there even I didn't understand. However when we did get up there, I saw something that I will never forget. There before me stood a massive construction, made entirely out of ice. Being in the place that it was at, one could tell that it would never come down or melt at all. We walked into the place, and through all of the different chambers that were there, went right to the heart of the place. A massive chamber stood before us, one that honestly looked bigger than what had been seen on the outside.

"So, to what do I owe the pleasure of this time, Head Time Master?" A voice called out from above us.

I looked towards a wide staircase that led up, and my eyes kept going up and up and up. When I finally arrived at the top, I saw this guy dressed in a nearly revealing outfit. When I looked closer though I noticed that it wasn't reveling so much so as it was skin right. A mask covered his lower face and head, while his hair was jet black. On his hands was gauntlet like gloves that also covered his forearms as well, and there were tubes that came out of the underside of the arm parts, did a partial wrap around to connect up with the top of the hand, and this was on both hands too. To his right, I noticed that there was a female that looked just like him, and to his left there were what looked like two men. I could see right off that the two of them weren't normal, one looked alien, and the other looked like a cyborg.

"It seems that your time has come Sub-Master. The frozen world you came from had been thawed out and went looking for you, or at least is trying to come look for you. However this gentlemen here will be taking you to them instead, considering that there are many worlds out there that shouldn't be visited, and that world's doesn't need to interact work them." Head Time Master told Sub- Master.

I honestly couldn't tell if Sub-Master was actually smiling or not but I could tell that something was about to happen, and I knew I wasn't going to like it in the least.

"Do you honestly think that you can just come here and take me where ever you want." Sub-Master said looking directly at me.

"Look," I told him, "after that world was thawed out, those people were pretty pissed off. They honestly didn't care what happened to them, and I'm not talking about the general population that you put in ice either, I'm talking about the general government of that world. You ton an entire world and froze it, and not only do they not know why, they want you back there to find out not only why, but to have you answer for it." I finished.

Again he looked right at me as he raised his hand. "I already told you, I'm not going back." He said as a bolt of blue energy leaped right or of his right hand to come flying right towards me.

For me, it was like time slowed down yet again, I knew in truth that it was my training that was kicking in. I not only managed to dodge to the side to avoid the blast, but also noticed the other Time Masters avoiding the blast as well, all except one. The Head Time Master. He just stood there as the blast came, but it never reached him. Another blast of energy leaped out of his visor and took out the blue energy, and all like it was nothing.

"How many times are we going to go through this, you and I both know that there is no way that you're ever going to defeat me, after all we both know that I'm the only one here that's the most angry that this has been going on for as long as it has. Come on, I've faced threats that were far greater than you, so just give this up. Look you've been facing this for a long time coming, after all it was you that told me that you feared the day that you would have to go back. You never did tell me why, however when this man here showed up and told us, well, do you honestly think that this is going to be something that we're just going to pass up in the least. Even I don't think so on that one." The Head Time Master said.

Even I could tell from not only the look in their faces and eyes, that this fight between all of them had been going on for a long time, and the fact that to these heroes these villains were nothing, that right there was something that even I had a hard time at first understanding. However I realized after a while that this was the truth of the matter. Now considering that it had been a long while since I had been to that frozen Earth, I was honestly wondering if they had at this point actually made the leap to travel between dimensions yet, after all if they had done that, then I would be bringing him into something that could change the entire dynamics of the multi-dimensional worlds all together, and that wasn't something that was going to be pleasant. It meant that I had to do something that I hadn't thought of till now, and that was that I had to leave here, go back to that world and let them know that I had found them. It was going to be the only way that made sure that they didn't do something stupid in a leap before you look method. After all there was many forms of travel between worlds, mine was one of them, after all I leaped between worlds, but they could create the energy bridge that would allow them create worm holes between the worlds. Now mind you mine was actually better for the fabric between the dimensions, but at the same time, using the wormhole method, it basically punched a hole through to allow everything needed to travel between. So since it was leaping like mine was, there was going to be after effects that were going to be harmful to not only their world, but also to each of the worlds that they traveled to as well.

I realized right then and there that before these people got too carried away, that I was going to have to step in and let them know what was going on. "Ah excuse me." I said to the head Time Master. "Can I talk to you for a quick second?" I asked him.

Without saying a word, we both stepped over to the side and I let him know quietly that I had to go back to that world and the reason for it, basically everything that I mentioned above. I could see that he wasn't happy with this, but he understood that it had to be done in the first place. "Look," I told him. "Once I make sure of everything on that side, I'll leap back over here to collect him and then head back. Hopefully nothing will go wrong, but all things considered I would like for you and your team to be back up for when we bring him back. Look you know what he's been like on this world after he first showed up, you're the only ones that can deal with anything that he might throw out there OK."

He thought it over and just nodded and then walked back over to his group. Personally I headed out the door, knowing that this was an area that was going to go south very badly and very fast as I leapt.

Felix Sanchez
Carrier for Martinez News-Gazette, Martinez, CA
Alhambra High School
Class of '97
My Political World Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/My-Political-World/
Ninja Chronicles Blog (fictional): http://ninjachroniclesstories.blogspot.com/
Ninja Chronicles eBook Kindle: http://www.amazon.com/Ninja-Chronicleskindle
Ninja Chronicles: The Return Blog (fictional): http://ninjachroniclesthereturn.blogspot.com/

Friday, January 30, 2015

Arrow Ninja Chronicles Crossover Pt. 3

(Writer's note: The three part episode will NOT appear in the final book version of the Ninja Chronicles Vol. 2 series, because the writer does not have copy right permission for the characters that will be appearing and fighting alongside Ninja in this trilogy story arc here.)

Arrow Ninja Chronicles Crossover Pt3


I honestly had to wonder, why the hell I put myself into these situations that tend to always seem like they're going to do more harm than good to me. Personally I could never be able to figure it out, but I had a feeling that I would eventually be able to. However in the mean time, here I am both getting the crap kicked out of me, and me doing the kicking in the first place.

I've got a feeling that you're wondering what in the world I'm talking about here, well unless you missed the last two entries, I've landed on a world that happens to be similar and close to that of another world that I had been on that was a ripping right from the comics of my own home world. The only difference is that not all of the heroes of that other world are currently here right now. They either have yet to be born, created or something else. Either way, I was right in the middle of a world where the Green Arrow lived, however he wasn't called Green Arrow here, he was just called Arrow (but he did wear green and shot green arrows).

Now the spot that I was in at that moment was one where I was going up against several guys at the same time, all trying to make sure that I didn't stop them from doing something stupid. I knew that Oliver Queen's (he's the Arrow here) computer friend Felicity Smoke was watching every painful minute that I was going through. The only thing here was, I was the only one that was actually here helping Oliver, and even Oliver wasn't here. After all, Oliver was someplace else doing the exact same thing that I was doing right now, fighting for his very life.

I had flown here not five minutes before, and thinking that everything was going to be fine and just waited till a signal was given to go forth with the plan, yeah however that wasn't going to be the case. Once I had arrived, I landed on the roof and went down the side of the building in a darkened area to make sure that I wasn't spotted. I had no idea that someone had already spotted me as I had arrived, and I had placed the engine on the glider to silent mode to make sure that I wasn't heard as I came in.

Well as soon as I reached the ground, I had a greeting party waiting for me. "Ah, hello there." I said after I turned to see them all pointing their guns at me. Of course they wouldn't work, however these guys didn't know that, and personally I wanted to keep that from them for as long as possible right now. "I'm sure that you're all wondering what in the world I'm doing here, well truth be told I'm just looking for the manager of the place." I told them; coming up with what I now realized had to be the worst excuse I've EVER come up with.

In turn they said nothing, so I spoke to Felicity without them knowing about it."Ah I've got a situation here, and no, they can't hear me or you for that matter right now." I told her.

"I know I can see remember, but how in the world did they know that you were there in the first place?" She asked.

There was only one answer that I could think of, and that was that I had been spotted coming in, damn so much for stealth. "I believe that they spotted me coming in, they didn't hear me, but they did see me. I'm going to have to work on getting that cloak extended to my body as well so I can't be seen at all." I stated. "And before you ask, no the suit doesn't have a cloaking ability, never thought that it was ever going to be needed. Of course with the name like Ninja, you'd think that I'd have one." I stated.

At this point I honestly couldn't think of any way that I could get out of this, I mean they had all their guns trained on me, and if I did the slightest thing, I know that they would start firing at me, and it would only give my one thing away, and I really didn't want to do that. So I just kept my hands up and didn't say anything, after a little while, someone that seemed to be in the lead waved his gun away from me, indicating the direction that I needed to travel in, and I had no problems with this at all.

As I walked, I was surrounded by the gun men leading me to where ever it was that I was being taken, and considering that I was covered head to toe, and they couldn't see what I looked like, it mean that they were being idiots and showing me the entire place. With them showing me the place, I was relaying those same images back and showing Felicity everything, and she was mapping it all out.

"Well at least there's something now to be said for a full face mask, gives you hidden chances to do things that they wouldn't have considered before." She noted over the comm link. "Like showing you the entire place without them realizing the huge mistake that they just made."

"That's wonderful; however this doesn't tell me what I'm going after here." I stated.

"Right, ah sorry about that, hold on, let me go back over everything and see what I can find." She stated. After that, the only thing that I heard over the link was keys tapping.

It was at that point that I realized that even if she told me what I was looking for, I still wouldn't have any idea at all. "Felicity, I've got an idea, something that I really should've thought of before leaving. However now that I'm thinking about it, I'm writing up the program and sending it to you now. When you upload it and activate it, it'll create a mirror HUD on your screen, one that will look exactly like mine. That way when you see the stuff that happens to be there, since I know that I'm going to be going back over it again, you can either tap on the image which will highlight it for me, or you can click on it, basically either way will highlight the item that I need to deal with." I told her.

It was at this point that I was brought into the last room of the building since I had gone past a few of them in order to get to this one right here. "Felicity, switch to real time and engage the HUD program I sent you." I told her.

"Activating it now." She told me.

The man that I was now standing in front of looked like a business man, nearly. The guy wore a plain suit and stood like he owned the joint, hell he might've actually did, I didn't know and at that point, I really didn't care one way or the other. "I know who you are; you're the one that helped out the Arrow before. Just showed up out of nowhere and started helping him." The suit stated.

Personally I didn't think that was the case at all, but I figured that I would just leave him with that thought. "Well if you want to think of it that way, sure." I stated.

The man smiled. "I know what you're after, and you will die before you can do anything." He said as he pulled out a gun and pointed it right at my head. "And I'm going to be the one that ends your life." He finished as he pulled the trigger and fired it.

Of course what I pointed out before still happened. The bullet was fired, even at close range, however the helmet killed the blast from the gun, everyone else in the room seemed to either ignore it or wince in pain from the explosion of sound. However after the bullet left the chamber and came flying at me, I could hear Felicity on the other end of the comms gasp. The bullet never made it, once it got to the protective field surrounding the suit, it disintegrated on impact and the kinetic energy from the bullet went right into the suits batteries. Then it was game on at that point.

I moved with near lightening speed and started taking everyone that was around me down and out for the count; there was no way I was leaving anyone up at all. I was flipping and my hands and feet were kicking out in all directions, making sure that I got everyone that I could. Before anyone in there even realized it, I was already on my way out the door and heading in whatever direction Felicity was content on sending me.

"Hey wake up over there, I'm hot and I need directions right now." I told her.

I could tell that she was still in shock over everything that had just happened. "What the hell, I thought you were going to die there." She stated.

"Yeah it's a shield that I came up with on my home world that doesn't allow bullets to make contact with me. It doesn't bounce them off, but it does take them out. Either way, right now I need you to let me know what in the world I'm looking for here, after that I can explain everything OK. Besides I usually don't say anything for safety's sake anyway, plus I love the surprised that I usually get from the look on people's faces when they find out about it for the first time." I told her.

"Right, the ingredients for the Mirakuru." Again, she was typing on her computer and doing it at lightening speed.

Suddenly different containers were appearing on the screen highlighted in and orange-yellowish type of color, letting me know that those were the ones that I needed to hit. Considering that these had to be destroyed, I had a feeling that they weren't wanting any more loss of life, so I figured now would be the perfect time to test something that I had in my belt that would get rid of everything but not kill anyone.

Taking out a small hand full, they were a small button like devices that looked like nothing. I ran by each of the boxes tagging each box with one and ticking off each box on my HUD to make sure that I didn't miss any. Once that was done I turned back to look for them, I could hear Felicity on the other side asking what in the world I was doing. "Hey Felicity, just wait for it OK." I told her shutting her up. I triggered each of the buttons that I had placed on them at the same time. Right before her and my eyes, each of the boxes had black envelope them and then they just vanished from sight.

"Wow, what was that?" Felicity asked.

I smiled under my mask before turning and heading out of the place. "A little something that I had come up with on a different world that I had been on. Each of the tab bombs contains a micro black hole, which as you saw, once unleashed would envelope said target and then pull it into itself on a molecular level. Not to be used on living flesh, trust me the site isn't pretty, and no I had seen someone else do it I've never done it myself." I told her as I reached the outside and called the glider down.

Once I got onto the glider I flew up into the sky and headed off towards where Oliver was located at, however shortly after I got into the air, there was an explosion off towards my left and knew that Diggle had just leveled the place. "Well looks like we've just got one left." I stated as I continued lying towards Oliver.

Once I got there I noticed that the place was a mess, knocked out bodies everywhere, but at least none of them were Oliver's at all. I jumped off the glider and ran into the place, following the trail of bodies going into the place. It amazed me the level of people that had been here.

As I looked around for Oliver, I noticed that several of the boxes were lighting up in my heads up display. I quickly tagged all of them and kept doing it as I found them while continuing to head to Oliver.

Once I found him, I had tagged all of them and noticed that he was still fighting, but he was fighting the one person that I didn't think that I would ever see here, Deathstroke. "Arrow, wrap this up. Everything is tagged and ready to go, I just have to give the signal and it's all over. However I'd like you to be with me when that happens." I said as I stayed there yet far enough away to make sure that I wasn't in anyone line of fire.

"Go, once I've gotten everything set up, you will never get away." Deathstroke stated.

Now if that right there didn't send chills then I really have no idea what in the world would have at that point. However I noticed that Oliver backed off slightly and came towards me with an arrow nocked and pulled back. "This will end, and you will go down." Oliver told him before once again backing out and keeping the arrow trained on the guy.

Once we were clear of the room that they had been in, we started back towards the entrance to the place, passing everything up as we went by. "Once we get clear, blow the place." Oliver told me.

I held up the triggering device, and pressed the button. "No need." I told him as we ran.

As we ran through the place different boxes that were there became black and then disappeared, just like before, nothing else around them was disturbed, unless of course there had been another box on top of it and then it came crashing down.

"What the hell did you just do?" Oliver asked me.

"I disintegrated each of the boxes and just that box, nothing else; hence the crashing sound you heard of the other boxes falling after the one below vanished." I told him as continued running. "Basically, without any loss of life at all."

Once we reached the outside of the building, we met up with Diggle who was running towards us. "So is it finished?" He asked.

Oliver looked back at the building. "I believe it is." He said. "But either way we shouldn't stick around."

It was right then that the last person we actually expected to walk out threw a crate at us. "I'M NOT FINISHED WITH YOU YET!" Deathstroke shouted at us.

I honestly don't know what in the world happened, but something inside me just completely took over and before I knew it I was up in the air and literally kicking the crate away from us. This was I believe going to be the first time that I actually got to test out the skills that I had learned on the Minute World. "Arrow, take him and move to a safe distance away. I've got this." I told him as I turned to face Deathstroke.

On my HUD, everything about Deathstroke came up, even information that I had gotten from being on the prior DC World. The look might've been slightly different, but some things were still the same. Deathstroke laughed at me. "You've got this, gee you kick one crate out of the air, and you think you've got this." He said with a laugh.

Considering that he had no idea what in the world I could do, I just stood there facing him, knowing that either I was going to end up dead, or he was for the first time going to feel something that he had never felt before.

He started running towards me full hilt, and when he got to within half a foot of me, I spun and grabbed him by the back of the mask he wore and brought him off balance before throwing him back with a force that I doubt he had seen before, smacking into the wall of the building and denting the wall. He slowly got back up, but didn't say anything. This time he got to within a foot of me and started throwing both punches and kicks at me, all of which I saw coming and blocked with little to no efforts at all. "You do realize that I could keep this up all day and night, and that I was trained by far better than you could even begin to imagine." I told him.

Every move that he made, I kept countering, and he nearly started countering mine as well, since he was starting to slowly learn the pattern that I was moving at. However for each one that he made I kept changing things up on him, and I know that was starting to really piss him off, but that had been the point the entire time. To fully throw him off and it was something that I also knew that he wasn't ready for.

During the fight I had pulled out the folding bow and threw a few arrows at him myself, basically as nothing more than a distraction. All the while something else was getting ready for me to bring into play. However I also knew that I couldn't kill him, I could basically only do something that would make him think twice before doing anything stupid. Yeah I know good luck to that one, but it's a hope.

As the fight continued, for me it was like the world was slowing down and everything around me I could see where it was all leading, this was something that I had only experienced once before back on the minute world and this was only telling me that I was now moving so fast that my reactions were going to be far different than before. The dance that I was having with Deathstroke became something different, one that changed for him, because I could see that I had actually been on the verge of losing, but my mind didn't want to accept that at all. However now that this had taken over me, I could see an opening that I knew I had to take, but right then I saw that there was two different openings, one opening would kill him, and the other one would be the difference and wouldn't kill him either.

I decided to take one of them, and that allowed me to shatter his defenses and change the entire outcome that I knew was coming and fast. Slamming him with a back fist and kicking my left foot out and hitting, making him double over. I spun around and brought my right foot down across the lower section of his mask laying him out on the ground. It was at that point that I reached my hand up into the air where a light burst out filling the entire area in a white radiance of light. I could feel a handle slip into my hand which I wrapped my fingers around getting a tight firm grip on the handle. Once the light cleared, I brought my sword that I had just pulled out of thin air (OK I had transferred it from another dimensional world) and pointed it right at his neck. "This is going to go one of two ways, a you give all of this up and know that you'll have one black mark only, or b, keep fighting and eventually lose to someone you've only met for the first time and don't know anything about and never will." I told him. "Come on, I just pulled a sword out of the air and I know that's something that you can't do." I told him.

I stood there as he slowly backed off and stood up. "You've got brass kid; I'll grant you that, I've honestly never seen moves that like before. I don't know where you learned what you learned, but it does amaze me. I would ask you to partner up with me, but something tells me that money really doesn't mean anything to you. So I'll just take my leave. However what's going on between the Arrow and me, that right there won't end till he's dead. Mark my words carefully." He stated before turning and walking away.

I walked over to where Oliver and Diggle stood, since I knew that they had watched the entire thing happen. "Let's get out of here." I told them.


Back at Oliver's base, everyone had gathered there, we all knew that it was time for me to leave and considering that I still had my sword with me, I wasn't quite ready to give it up yet. "Oliver," I said as I looked up at him from looking at the sword. "You do know that he's going to return right, that this fight between the both of you isn't going to end any time soon."

Oliver nodded. "Yes I know, but at the same time, I also know that I will find a way to end this without killing him or anyone else." He told me. "So what are you going to do with the sword, I doubt that you can take that with you?" He asked.

Something told me that he wanted to hold it there; however I knew that it had to go back to whatever world I had pulled it from in the first place. "Yeah, I can't leave this here or take it with me. So there's only one thing that I can do." I told him as I lifted right up straight above my head.

The moment that my arm was fully straight, a bright brilliantly white light came off the sword and starting to light up the entire place in a blinding light. I felt a slight tug from the sword and let it slip out of my hand and vanish from the world that I was on to go back to the holding location that it was at. When the light had cleared and gone away, the sword was gone and there was nothing left. "Now it's been put away, and" I said holding up a hand. "Don't ask where it went since not you or anyone here can be able to find it and get it." I finished.

Oliver smiled. "Thank you for your help, I know that this was different for you, but at the same time I know and understand that each of the worlds that you visit will also be different and that none of these are ever going to be the same." He said as we shook hands.

No one else said anything, except Felicity. "Will you ever be back here?" She asked me.

I thought about that for a moment before answering. "Truth be told the next world that I leap to I don't know what's going to be there, however my onboard computer system keeps track of the worlds that I've traveled to in the past, which means that even though the next one is different and unknown, I ca always return back to a prior world that I've visited before. It's only a matter of time before I eventually do. So maybe some time in the future you will see me, considering that with the exception of one world, each of the worlds that I've been too all move at the same temporal speeds." I told her and explained to her.

I stood back from all of them as they stood as far from me as they could. Now I knew that that this point I was a bit underground, but since I didn't know what world I was about to leap to, the only thing I could hope for was that the next world that I landed on had a building in this same location.

I triggered the leap and the world turned blue and energy like around me, Oliver and company faded from view, and since time between the worlds was suspended, I really wondered what I was going to land in once the energy cleared and the bridge between worlds closed.


Once the energy did clear, I actually was in a basement, but for some reason the place almost looked like the world that I had just left, except for the fact that there was no computers or archery gear or anything around except for crates. I quickly as I could make my way out and lucky without being seen at all. Once I made it outside I got a look around, and the place looked like it had just been destroyed, each of the building were in shambles and it was like no world that I had ever been to. I looked at the screen and realized that there was something that I hadn't seen before and that was a slight radiation signature that was in the air. Thankfully it really hadn't made a lasting mark on the suit, so before it really could, I took another leap. However right before I did, I heard what sounded like a plane coming. I looked up and saw what it was and what type of plane it was. Yeah I was getting out of there, for some reason they were about to bomb what was left of this city and I didn't want to be here when they did. I figured that if I wanted to find out what was going on here, I would have to leap out, move and then leap back to getting a far better idea. However right then, it wasn't the time to find out, it was time to get out. So I leapt.

Felix Sanchez
Carrier for Martinez News-Gazette, Martinez, CA
Alhambra High School
Class of '97
Ninja Chronicles Blog (fictional): http://ninjachroniclesstories.blogspot.com/
Ninja Chronicles eBook Kindle: http://www.amazon.com/Ninja-Chronicleskindle
Ninja Chronicles: The Return Blog (fictional): http://ninjachroniclesthereturn.blogspot.com/

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Arrow Ninja Chronicles Crossover Pt. 2

(Writer's note: The three part episode will NOT appear in the final book version of the Ninja Chronicles Vol. 2 series, because the writer does not have copy right permission for the characters that will be appearing and fighting alongside Ninja in this trilogy story arc here.)


It had been at least three hours since I had been done in the lower basement of the nightclub that I was now standing in. The place was called Verdant, and in the world that I came from, this place had taken a back seat in the world of Green Arrow. I figured that the world that I was in was an earlier version than the DC world that I had been in before, which was actually understandable considering that each world that I was on acted differently from the rest of them. No two of the worlds that I had been on were ever the same. Of course I had also taken a rapid flash through a bunch of different worlds while trying to get away from a female double of mine that I honestly had to wonder if I would ever see her again.

All things considered I knew that I had to watch out here, considering that the Oliver Queen of this world at the current time wasn't too trusting, at least not yet. Plus the point that I had arrived at, certain things were going to happen that I honestly didn't know if I had the ability to prevent them from happening, or if I was asked to at the time, should I do it in the first place. After all, I knew the history of this world before they even knew it, and I had to make sure that everything stayed on track, no matter what my desires or wishes might be to the contrary.

I had been sitting at the bar dressed in regular clothes with my power suit in standby mode on my wrist like a watch, it had been something that I came up with on the minute world given that the tech that was inside of it couldn't be allowed to fall into someone's hands that couldn't be trusted with it at all. Basically the tech was called micro fold technology, and it would allow each and every single piece of the suit to be able to fold onto and into itself allowing the entire suit to virtually compress down to the size of anything that I desired at the start. So considering that I needed a quick way to get the suit back on in a moment's notice, I figured that the best thing that could be done was that the suit be in standby mode folded into a watch. Then when I needed it, I could unfold a trigger and once pressed, the entire suit would be back unfolded and on me in a heartbeat, never letting me lose any momentum that I might've gathered prior to putting the suit on.

Anyway, there I was sitting at the bar in regular clothes with a drink in hand wondering how everything was going to turn out here.

Suddenly I felt a tap on my shoulder and the one that I knew as Speedy was talking to me. "Come on, Oliver wants to talk to you?" He stated.

I got up and gestured for him to lead the way. Once we were back down in the basement, I noticed that Diggle had his gun out and at the ready. "Trust me on this Diggle, you're not going to need that, however I've got a feeling that at the current time like Oliver here, you don't quite trust me enough to want to put that away I take it."

"Something like that." He stated.

Oliver looked at me from over next to where Felicity sat at her computer. "OK I get and understand that you're not from our world, however I would like to know what world you are from, and how in the world do you know what you know in the first place?" He asked me.

At first I looked at the ground, considering that I really didn't know what to say in the first place, but then it all came to me. "The world that I come from is similar to this one; however there are key differences between them. For one thing," I said as I started walking around the place like I owned it. "None of you folks are real in the world that I come from. However I do believe that there might just be a double of me somewhere on this world, but at the current time I'm not one to go looking for him in the first place. Right now, I honestly couldn't tell you why I'm here, if it was just a random world that I hit, or if there's some reason why I'm here in the first place. However all that being said and wondered about, I do try and help out in the best way that I can, and I guess that means going after the main person that's behind all of this." I said. "However I doubt right now that you're going to trust me in anything that I say, considering that you have no idea if everything I'm telling you is true or completely made up." I finished.

I could tell that Oliver was taking the time to think everything over before he said anything. Something told me that he wasn't going to believe me at all. "OK I believe you." He said; OK I was wrong on that note, so sue me.

I walked over to him and leaning in close whispered. "Trust me; you're not going to regret anything."

Oliver turned and looked me right in the eyes. "Please don't make me regret it either." He said. Turning he walked over to where Felicity sat at the computer and leaned over her. "So tell me what you got from these guys?" He asked her.

Felicity started typing at even a speed that I was having a hard time keeping up with; I started seeing images that were just dancing over the screen like crazy. "OK, so with the botched robbery that took place, we already know that he's trying to get the ingredients in order to make that Mirakuru drug. However not everything needed was found there in the first place, I've already looked up locations where the rest might be at, but to be honest it's going to be a long shot in order to find the correct place. The one main problem that we happen to have is that they're in three different locations, and all of them extremely well guarded after what just happened." She told him.

I knew of a way that I could help, but I honestly didn't know if he was going to like it or not. "I can help you out." I told Oliver. "I've got something that will get me to one of them fast; you didn't see it with me when I arrived because it wasn't with me when I left the last world. However when I change worlds, it automatically leaps with me so that way it stays with me the entire time." I explained.

Oliver looked at me. "OK where is it?" He asked.

"It's currently hovering directly over my location right now." I told him.

Oliver looked right then like he was going to shove me through a wall. "Wait you're telling me that there's something flying over our location right now giving us away."

I looked at him. "Yes and no. Yes it's flying over us right now, and no it's not giving our location away because the device that's called a glider is currently cloaked right now so no one knows it's there." I explained.

"What about an engine noise, surely people would've been wondering where in the world it's coming from?" Diggle asked.

"Yeah I had to deal with that on one of the other worlds that I had been too, that was about six worlds after I had started leaping. Turned out that when I arrived even though the glider was cloaked, the engine was pissing the local natives off and they were trying to do everything that they could in order to destroy it. Of course it didn't help things that on that world, the natives were still far younger than they are now. So I did the one thing that I could think of that would stop the sound and that was put a suppression unit into the engine so that when the glider was cloaked, the engine wouldn't make a sound at all." I finished explaining.

All of them were looking at me with a stunned look, considering the amount of times that I had gotten that look; I was actually used to it by this point. "Alright then, but I want you hooked up here so that we can see what you see." Oliver told me. That was something that I had no problems with at all.

I turned towards the computer, while at the same time unfolding and putting the suit back up. Once I had it fully up, I looked towards the computer system that was set up and linked up. Felicity was slightly startled when the computer came to life on its own and the sync up started working. "OK, next time, don't do that." She told me. "Or at least warn me, but now that you're synced up with the computer, we can see and hear everything that you do." She finished.

"Just direct me there, or if you want, you can use your new link to put a map up for me to follow on my own to the location." I stated as I headed for the exit to the place.

When I got out to the street and called the glider down, I hadn't realized that Oliver had followed me out there. "Since I don't know how you are under fire, watch yourself, these may not be like anything you've encountered before on any other world." He told me.

I turned around and looked him right in the eyes. "Believe me on this, that's the one thing that I honestly think about on each and every world that I happen to visit." I told him as I uncloaked the glider behind me. "This will be like any other world that I've gone to, however here they're all hyped and drugged up and more than likely a little like the ones from the last version of this world that I had been to. So basically no worries." I finished as I hopped onto the glider and flew off in the direction that had been given to me, and for the first time really wondering what in the world I was getting into on this world.

Felix Sanchez
Carrier for Martinez News-Gazette, Martinez, CA
Alhambra High School
Class of '97
Ninja Chronicles Blog (fictional): http://ninjachroniclesstories.blogspot.com/
Ninja Chronicles eBook Kindle: http://www.amazon.com/Ninja-Chronicleskindle
Ninja Chronicles: The Return Blog (fictional): http://ninjachroniclesthereturn.blogspot.com/

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Arrow Ninja Chronicles Crossover

(Writer's note: The three part episode will NOT appear in the final book version of the Ninja Chronicles Vol. 2 series, because the writer does not have copy right permission for the characters that will be appearing and fighting alongside Ninja in this trilogy story arc here.)


The place that I had arrived at was an alley, but the thing was it was right in the heart of a city, and one that looked a bit familiar to me, and this was honestly not something that I had been looking forward to. Considering that I had a feeling that I knew where I was, and considering that this would be my second trip to this world considering the last time that I had been here. However it was the feeling that I had, and I had to make sure, I knew I just couldn't go by the familiar look of the place, after all if I had done that, then every world that I leapt to that had a city that was similar to each other, I'd been thinking that I was never leaping in the first place.

I walked out of the alley way and to the street and saw that the city was familiar, yet different at the same time. I checked again the dimensional location that I always checked upon arriving on any world to make sure that they were never the same, and discovered that the world I was now on was similar to the one that I had been on before, however I wasn't on that world, but the signatures were so close that I had missed it at first glance, how could I have been such an idiot to that little detail. From near as I could tell, this world that I was currently on, was in truth a similar yet far younger world than the other one that I had been on in the first place. However that didn't excuse my stupidity when it came to not seeing it the first time around.

I noticed then that there was an alarm faintly going off in the distance, and personally I knew that if I wanted to find out if this world was similar to the one that I had been on before, and then I needed to actually go to the sound of the alarm and see. Plus for me what better way to find out, then by doing the hero act, and knowing that it would also be on camera too. So if the heroes here didn't see me, then I'd be caught on camera, and both the police and the heroes would see me.

I reached my hand up pointing the gauntlet up towards a nearby building and pressed the trigger in my gloved hand and fired off the grapple line, once it caught, it gave a pull and off I went both swinging and heading towards the sound that was going off.

Once I reached the location, I noticed that it was a medical company that was having a break in, so I figured that I might as well step in and stop whatever they were taking. There were a few armed men that I knew I could be able to take out with no problems, but there was one guy there that was armed with something else that I hadn't ever seen before, at least not unless they had been wearing all black in the first place, and this guy wasn't. Suddenly an image appeared on the HUD and showed me what was going on behind me, a figure had dropped down a little ways behind me, but I had a feeling that he thought that I might've been a apart of whatever was going on here. Yeah I had to change that little disillusion right fast.

I moved from where I had been, and silently got over to one of the closer men, and grabbed him in a tight sleeper hold and brought him down fast, I looked around to make sure that any little ripple of cloth sound hadn't been heard that had been made. I waited a second and then moved off since no one bothered to come check at all. After taking him out, I moved around the side of the truck that they were loading everything into and in case anything happened, I attached a tiny tracking unit under the main engine block. If someone tried to remove it, they'd have to remove the ENTIRE engine block in order to get access to that tracker, shoot the only way that I got it there was by shooting it there in the first place.

After that was done, I noticed that the one that had spotted me before was taking an stock of the place, I knew to try and figure out everything that was going on there before actually moving in and taking these guys down. I also noticed that he was speaking softly and that he had to be talking on a radio to someone. I searched and found the frequency and started to listen in. "I'm counting at least five men there, I had seen six before, but something happened to him." The guy in the green hood said. Yeah that had been me taking that guy out.

"Be careful Oliver, we don't know who this new player is, for all we know, he's with them." I heard another male voice state.

Well I figured correctly, I was on a similar world to the one that I had been on before, but this one not only was younger, but at the same time they had similar heroes here too, including Oliver Queen, The Green Arrow. I knew right then that it was time to make my move and for me to show him what side that I was really on.

I moved out to where the men were working and once they saw me, they dropped what they had been working on and pulled out guns and started to fire them at me. For me, time slowed to a crawl as I began to move and fast. I ducked below one shot and quickly took the guy out sending him flying into the crates that were nearby. Then I went after the next guy that was firing at me, and then suddenly everything changed, it seemed that there were more men than had been figured before, and the gun fire stopped at that point.

"I don't know who you are, but if you're with the vigilantly, then you're going to die just like him." The guy with the claws in his hands said to me.

I didn't say anything, actually I didn't have to say anything, and the arrow landing in the side of the truck said everything for me. I noticed that it had been a sonic trick arrow, and had the suit kill all sound around me, that way once the arrow went off; I didn't go down with everyone else there. Which is exactly what happened.

The sound dropped everyone like a stone, and there was no one left standing. Oliver dropped down and went after the one with the claws; I handled the other men that were there since the sonic was supposed to allow Oliver to enter in without getting shot. "I don't know who you are, but we need to get out of here, once I done with Bronze Tiger here, we're gone." He told me.

That I had no problems with at all, and knocking the men out and then tying them up wasn't a problem, and took less than ten minutes in total together. After we got out of there, Oliver turn around on me and put his bow against me to hold me in place once he got me up against a nearby wall. "Now tell me who the hell you are and why I shouldn't put an arrow through you right now?" He asked me.

"Ah Oliver, don't you think that's a bit hasty right there." A female voice said over the radio.

\"Yeah personally I'd listen to her if I were you." I told him. "After all Oliver, how are you going to learn the truth if you kill me, and believe me the Oliver that I know of doesn't kill, he's a hero." I told him.

"He looked dead at me." You heard her, but how.?"

I looked at him and tilted me head. "I scanned for the radio frequency and then locked on, it's a tight band yes, known for quick bursts so that way no one can lock on, but considering that I'm not from around here, finding it is no problem for me." I told him.

Oliver backed off and turned away from me. "Since you seem to know me so well, let's go, you've got a lot of questions to answer and not just from me." He said as he led the way.


About fifteen minutes later after a motorcycle and glider ride to where he had been going, we arrived at the back of a warehouse like place that actually turned out to be a nightclub of sorts. He lead me inside and down the stairs to a place that had been hidden from view, a place that had more high tech gear and training equipment than I had ever seen before in the last location that Green Arrow had. "Well this isn't like the last place that I had been in before, but then again that had been a totally different world, and one that I'm not going to be going back to any time soon." I stated as I looked around the place.

As I looked over the place, I saw that there were two others that were there, a young lady and a very muscular black man looking at me. The black guy looked like he wanted to put a bullet in my head given the first wrong move I made, and I had no doubt that he was fast, but he had no idea that about my suit at all. "So who are you and what are you doing here and what do you want?" Oliver asked.

"First off for right now, at least till I've got a better understanding, you can call me Ninja, and no not just because of the black with slight red suit that I'm wearing right now. I come from a different dimension, a similar one to this one, but different. I had already been on a world that was similar to this one, and honestly thought that I had gone back to that world, and that actually isn't supposed to be possible. However when I rechecked this world's dimensional signature, I noticed that I wasn't on that world at all. I was actually on a similar yet younger world, and it seems one that doesn't have all of the heroes that that world had." I said as I looked at a news feed that was coming in through one of the monitors. "As for what I'm doing here, I'm just a traveler, and usually there's a reason as to why I travel to different worlds, like the last one that I had been on was dealing with an augmented reality that was in fact hurting the people of that world, or even a world that had been similar to that of Tron, like I said, different worlds. As to what I want, it seems that since I'm on this world, I'm to help you in some way, and believe me I've got the skills needed to be able to help you. How I help you I don't know, but after that little problem at that warehouse, it seems that there's something coming up that you're going to be needing my help on in a big way." I told him.

I noticed that there were two more people that had come down the stairs an amazing brunette woman, and a teen kid in a red hoodie. "Great it looks like the rest of your team is here. Though on the last world that I had been on, she would be Canary, and you young man would Roy." I said as I walked over to him.

Canary walked over to Oliver and at that point I was thankful that I could still hear them even when they whispered. "Oliver, who is this, and where did he come from?" She asked.

"I don't know, but he says that he's from a different dimension, and that he's seen people that were a different version of us." Oliver told her.

"From what I've been able to understand here, Ninja here is from a parallel Earth, different results that have taken place for each location that he's been on. He's been traveling from world to world, but him being here and talking about us as if he's already met us before, that's actually kinda creepy." The woman sitting at the computer stated.

"Felicity do a check on the cameras around that warehouse within a two mile radius and see if you can find something that might've been out of the ordinary. We might be able to find a camera that caught him and his story." Oliver told her.

With that, I actually walked over to her computer and took out my USB connection and plugged it into the side of the monitor and let my computer go to work. "I think that I can help narrow this all down." I told them as a window opened up and data information started to scroll down it, seconds later another window opened up and started flashing through cameras around the time index that I had arrived at. I saw that one of the cameras had been pointing directly down the alley when I had leapt in and I rewound the tape back to right before that point, and paused it. "Here you go." I told them as the footage started playing. Everyone was looking at the screen as I had it filling the entire monitor and right before their eyes, the screen showed someone starting to form up before the energy flared out for a few seconds only to go back and form up around me and solidify me into my body. This was actually the first time that I had seen myself actually leap onto a world, considering that I had never seen the experience from the outside before considering that I had always been on the inside of the leap each time, and had been pure energy each time.

Oliver stood up and faced me. "Looks like you were right about coming from a different world, and about how you got here, now the only question is why are you here." I was about to say something when he put his hand up. "I know that you don't know, which means that in the mean time, you're going to have to stay here and out of sight unless you're going to be needed, and right now I don't think that's going to be happening." He finished as he stepped up to the black guy. "Diggle, keep an eye on our mystery guest here. I've a feeling that something's about to happen and that he might be at the center of it all."

"Do my best Oliver, you know that."

"In the mean time, I've got to find out what was going on at that warehouse and what the Golden Tiger wanted there in the first place." Oliver stated.

I realized right then, that this also might be my chance to also find out why I was brought to this world as well, and considering my suit, I knew that I could be able to scan an area and find out details that Oliver might miss. "I think you're going to want to take me along with you, after all, my suit can be able to help you out in ways that you can't get otherwise." I told him.

I could tell that he was thinking that over, but wasn't too sure, and I could understand that. After all, here I was someone that didn't come from his world, intruding upon things that he normally handled himself with the help of his friends. "Right now, I'm not so sure that's a good idea." He said.

I nodded. "I completely understand, after all I'm not from this world, and here I am coming in for the first time to your world and throwing everything off kilter completely, and here you are with your friends dealing with something that could affect the city in ways that none of us can be able to see at this point in time." I said as he walked over to the case that held the arrows for his quiver in them.

He looked at me with determination and I knew that this would be the end of it for now. "Yes that's it, but at the same time, how do I know you're not working for Slade Wilson? After all, this right here would be his style, something that I know that he could be able to pull off." Oliver stated. "So for now, you're going to be staying here, while I go check things out."

I watched as Oliver gathered everything that he was going to need and then left with the girl that had arrived with the one he would eventually call Speedy. "Great, I'm not on this world for more than five minutes, and I'm shunned and sent to the sidelines without so much as a second look, this is a first." I said as I walked over to the girl behind the computers. "Looks like I'm just going to be doing everything here, I won't touch, but my computer systems with be checking out the images that these screens show." I said as I peered at each one of them.

I knew that Diggle was watching me like a hawk to make sure that nothing happened, and for me that was fine, but I wanted to help out, and I had a feeling that the only way that I was going to be able to do that was to analyze the images and see if there was anything from here that I could see that they might miss there.

Once they had arrived at the location, I could see that there were things there that they were seeing and picking up on, but something wasn't right. That was when I saw it. "Tell Oliver to back off from that truck right now." I said.

Diggle was standing right behind me, and I had been so intent on the screens I hadn't even noticed. "And why should he do that?" He asked.

"Because if Oliver doesn't stop, they're going to trip a bomb that's on the back of that truck." I told him.

It took Diggle a few seconds before he nodded and sent word to Oliver. I looked back at the screen and saw Oliver stop dead in his tracks, and then started looking around the truck, after about five minutes, he spotted the same thing that I had spotted when it came to the trip wire leading to the bomb.


Thirty minutes later, everyone was back and everyone was looking at me. "Just how did you know that there was a trip wire there for that bomb?" Oliver asked.

As I looked him dead in the eyes, I folded and lowered my helmet down letting him see my face and eyes for the first time. "Because as I had said before you left, thanks to my suit, I could see things that you normally couldn't. So since I couldn't be there in person, I checked out the scene through a camera and that's when my suit saw the trip wire and pointed it out to me right off." I told him.

Oliver looked me dead in the eyes, I knew that right then he was making some kind of decision. "Then we've got a lot to talk about," He said.

In the back of my mind I knew only one thing, that can't be good.

Felix Sanchez
Carrier for Martinez News-Gazette, Martinez, CA
Alhambra High School
Class of '97
My Political World Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/My-Political-World/
Ninja Chronicles Blog (fictional): http://ninjachroniclesstories.blogspot.com/
Ninja Chronicles eBook Kindle: http://www.amazon.com/Ninja-Chronicleskindle
Ninja Chronicles: The Return Blog (fictional): http://ninjachroniclesthereturn.blogspot.com/
My FanFiction.net page: http://www.fanfiction.net/~timetracker2643