Sunday, December 14, 2014

Arrow Ninja Chronicles Crossover Pt. 2

(Writer's note: The three part episode will NOT appear in the final book version of the Ninja Chronicles Vol. 2 series, because the writer does not have copy right permission for the characters that will be appearing and fighting alongside Ninja in this trilogy story arc here.)


It had been at least three hours since I had been done in the lower basement of the nightclub that I was now standing in. The place was called Verdant, and in the world that I came from, this place had taken a back seat in the world of Green Arrow. I figured that the world that I was in was an earlier version than the DC world that I had been in before, which was actually understandable considering that each world that I was on acted differently from the rest of them. No two of the worlds that I had been on were ever the same. Of course I had also taken a rapid flash through a bunch of different worlds while trying to get away from a female double of mine that I honestly had to wonder if I would ever see her again.

All things considered I knew that I had to watch out here, considering that the Oliver Queen of this world at the current time wasn't too trusting, at least not yet. Plus the point that I had arrived at, certain things were going to happen that I honestly didn't know if I had the ability to prevent them from happening, or if I was asked to at the time, should I do it in the first place. After all, I knew the history of this world before they even knew it, and I had to make sure that everything stayed on track, no matter what my desires or wishes might be to the contrary.

I had been sitting at the bar dressed in regular clothes with my power suit in standby mode on my wrist like a watch, it had been something that I came up with on the minute world given that the tech that was inside of it couldn't be allowed to fall into someone's hands that couldn't be trusted with it at all. Basically the tech was called micro fold technology, and it would allow each and every single piece of the suit to be able to fold onto and into itself allowing the entire suit to virtually compress down to the size of anything that I desired at the start. So considering that I needed a quick way to get the suit back on in a moment's notice, I figured that the best thing that could be done was that the suit be in standby mode folded into a watch. Then when I needed it, I could unfold a trigger and once pressed, the entire suit would be back unfolded and on me in a heartbeat, never letting me lose any momentum that I might've gathered prior to putting the suit on.

Anyway, there I was sitting at the bar in regular clothes with a drink in hand wondering how everything was going to turn out here.

Suddenly I felt a tap on my shoulder and the one that I knew as Speedy was talking to me. "Come on, Oliver wants to talk to you?" He stated.

I got up and gestured for him to lead the way. Once we were back down in the basement, I noticed that Diggle had his gun out and at the ready. "Trust me on this Diggle, you're not going to need that, however I've got a feeling that at the current time like Oliver here, you don't quite trust me enough to want to put that away I take it."

"Something like that." He stated.

Oliver looked at me from over next to where Felicity sat at her computer. "OK I get and understand that you're not from our world, however I would like to know what world you are from, and how in the world do you know what you know in the first place?" He asked me.

At first I looked at the ground, considering that I really didn't know what to say in the first place, but then it all came to me. "The world that I come from is similar to this one; however there are key differences between them. For one thing," I said as I started walking around the place like I owned it. "None of you folks are real in the world that I come from. However I do believe that there might just be a double of me somewhere on this world, but at the current time I'm not one to go looking for him in the first place. Right now, I honestly couldn't tell you why I'm here, if it was just a random world that I hit, or if there's some reason why I'm here in the first place. However all that being said and wondered about, I do try and help out in the best way that I can, and I guess that means going after the main person that's behind all of this." I said. "However I doubt right now that you're going to trust me in anything that I say, considering that you have no idea if everything I'm telling you is true or completely made up." I finished.

I could tell that Oliver was taking the time to think everything over before he said anything. Something told me that he wasn't going to believe me at all. "OK I believe you." He said; OK I was wrong on that note, so sue me.

I walked over to him and leaning in close whispered. "Trust me; you're not going to regret anything."

Oliver turned and looked me right in the eyes. "Please don't make me regret it either." He said. Turning he walked over to where Felicity sat at the computer and leaned over her. "So tell me what you got from these guys?" He asked her.

Felicity started typing at even a speed that I was having a hard time keeping up with; I started seeing images that were just dancing over the screen like crazy. "OK, so with the botched robbery that took place, we already know that he's trying to get the ingredients in order to make that Mirakuru drug. However not everything needed was found there in the first place, I've already looked up locations where the rest might be at, but to be honest it's going to be a long shot in order to find the correct place. The one main problem that we happen to have is that they're in three different locations, and all of them extremely well guarded after what just happened." She told him.

I knew of a way that I could help, but I honestly didn't know if he was going to like it or not. "I can help you out." I told Oliver. "I've got something that will get me to one of them fast; you didn't see it with me when I arrived because it wasn't with me when I left the last world. However when I change worlds, it automatically leaps with me so that way it stays with me the entire time." I explained.

Oliver looked at me. "OK where is it?" He asked.

"It's currently hovering directly over my location right now." I told him.

Oliver looked right then like he was going to shove me through a wall. "Wait you're telling me that there's something flying over our location right now giving us away."

I looked at him. "Yes and no. Yes it's flying over us right now, and no it's not giving our location away because the device that's called a glider is currently cloaked right now so no one knows it's there." I explained.

"What about an engine noise, surely people would've been wondering where in the world it's coming from?" Diggle asked.

"Yeah I had to deal with that on one of the other worlds that I had been too, that was about six worlds after I had started leaping. Turned out that when I arrived even though the glider was cloaked, the engine was pissing the local natives off and they were trying to do everything that they could in order to destroy it. Of course it didn't help things that on that world, the natives were still far younger than they are now. So I did the one thing that I could think of that would stop the sound and that was put a suppression unit into the engine so that when the glider was cloaked, the engine wouldn't make a sound at all." I finished explaining.

All of them were looking at me with a stunned look, considering the amount of times that I had gotten that look; I was actually used to it by this point. "Alright then, but I want you hooked up here so that we can see what you see." Oliver told me. That was something that I had no problems with at all.

I turned towards the computer, while at the same time unfolding and putting the suit back up. Once I had it fully up, I looked towards the computer system that was set up and linked up. Felicity was slightly startled when the computer came to life on its own and the sync up started working. "OK, next time, don't do that." She told me. "Or at least warn me, but now that you're synced up with the computer, we can see and hear everything that you do." She finished.

"Just direct me there, or if you want, you can use your new link to put a map up for me to follow on my own to the location." I stated as I headed for the exit to the place.

When I got out to the street and called the glider down, I hadn't realized that Oliver had followed me out there. "Since I don't know how you are under fire, watch yourself, these may not be like anything you've encountered before on any other world." He told me.

I turned around and looked him right in the eyes. "Believe me on this, that's the one thing that I honestly think about on each and every world that I happen to visit." I told him as I uncloaked the glider behind me. "This will be like any other world that I've gone to, however here they're all hyped and drugged up and more than likely a little like the ones from the last version of this world that I had been to. So basically no worries." I finished as I hopped onto the glider and flew off in the direction that had been given to me, and for the first time really wondering what in the world I was getting into on this world.

Felix Sanchez
Carrier for Martinez News-Gazette, Martinez, CA
Alhambra High School
Class of '97
Ninja Chronicles Blog (fictional):
Ninja Chronicles eBook Kindle:
Ninja Chronicles: The Return Blog (fictional):

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Arrow Ninja Chronicles Crossover

(Writer's note: The three part episode will NOT appear in the final book version of the Ninja Chronicles Vol. 2 series, because the writer does not have copy right permission for the characters that will be appearing and fighting alongside Ninja in this trilogy story arc here.)


The place that I had arrived at was an alley, but the thing was it was right in the heart of a city, and one that looked a bit familiar to me, and this was honestly not something that I had been looking forward to. Considering that I had a feeling that I knew where I was, and considering that this would be my second trip to this world considering the last time that I had been here. However it was the feeling that I had, and I had to make sure, I knew I just couldn't go by the familiar look of the place, after all if I had done that, then every world that I leapt to that had a city that was similar to each other, I'd been thinking that I was never leaping in the first place.

I walked out of the alley way and to the street and saw that the city was familiar, yet different at the same time. I checked again the dimensional location that I always checked upon arriving on any world to make sure that they were never the same, and discovered that the world I was now on was similar to the one that I had been on before, however I wasn't on that world, but the signatures were so close that I had missed it at first glance, how could I have been such an idiot to that little detail. From near as I could tell, this world that I was currently on, was in truth a similar yet far younger world than the other one that I had been on in the first place. However that didn't excuse my stupidity when it came to not seeing it the first time around.

I noticed then that there was an alarm faintly going off in the distance, and personally I knew that if I wanted to find out if this world was similar to the one that I had been on before, and then I needed to actually go to the sound of the alarm and see. Plus for me what better way to find out, then by doing the hero act, and knowing that it would also be on camera too. So if the heroes here didn't see me, then I'd be caught on camera, and both the police and the heroes would see me.

I reached my hand up pointing the gauntlet up towards a nearby building and pressed the trigger in my gloved hand and fired off the grapple line, once it caught, it gave a pull and off I went both swinging and heading towards the sound that was going off.

Once I reached the location, I noticed that it was a medical company that was having a break in, so I figured that I might as well step in and stop whatever they were taking. There were a few armed men that I knew I could be able to take out with no problems, but there was one guy there that was armed with something else that I hadn't ever seen before, at least not unless they had been wearing all black in the first place, and this guy wasn't. Suddenly an image appeared on the HUD and showed me what was going on behind me, a figure had dropped down a little ways behind me, but I had a feeling that he thought that I might've been a apart of whatever was going on here. Yeah I had to change that little disillusion right fast.

I moved from where I had been, and silently got over to one of the closer men, and grabbed him in a tight sleeper hold and brought him down fast, I looked around to make sure that any little ripple of cloth sound hadn't been heard that had been made. I waited a second and then moved off since no one bothered to come check at all. After taking him out, I moved around the side of the truck that they were loading everything into and in case anything happened, I attached a tiny tracking unit under the main engine block. If someone tried to remove it, they'd have to remove the ENTIRE engine block in order to get access to that tracker, shoot the only way that I got it there was by shooting it there in the first place.

After that was done, I noticed that the one that had spotted me before was taking an stock of the place, I knew to try and figure out everything that was going on there before actually moving in and taking these guys down. I also noticed that he was speaking softly and that he had to be talking on a radio to someone. I searched and found the frequency and started to listen in. "I'm counting at least five men there, I had seen six before, but something happened to him." The guy in the green hood said. Yeah that had been me taking that guy out.

"Be careful Oliver, we don't know who this new player is, for all we know, he's with them." I heard another male voice state.

Well I figured correctly, I was on a similar world to the one that I had been on before, but this one not only was younger, but at the same time they had similar heroes here too, including Oliver Queen, The Green Arrow. I knew right then that it was time to make my move and for me to show him what side that I was really on.

I moved out to where the men were working and once they saw me, they dropped what they had been working on and pulled out guns and started to fire them at me. For me, time slowed to a crawl as I began to move and fast. I ducked below one shot and quickly took the guy out sending him flying into the crates that were nearby. Then I went after the next guy that was firing at me, and then suddenly everything changed, it seemed that there were more men than had been figured before, and the gun fire stopped at that point.

"I don't know who you are, but if you're with the vigilantly, then you're going to die just like him." The guy with the claws in his hands said to me.

I didn't say anything, actually I didn't have to say anything, and the arrow landing in the side of the truck said everything for me. I noticed that it had been a sonic trick arrow, and had the suit kill all sound around me, that way once the arrow went off; I didn't go down with everyone else there. Which is exactly what happened.

The sound dropped everyone like a stone, and there was no one left standing. Oliver dropped down and went after the one with the claws; I handled the other men that were there since the sonic was supposed to allow Oliver to enter in without getting shot. "I don't know who you are, but we need to get out of here, once I done with Bronze Tiger here, we're gone." He told me.

That I had no problems with at all, and knocking the men out and then tying them up wasn't a problem, and took less than ten minutes in total together. After we got out of there, Oliver turn around on me and put his bow against me to hold me in place once he got me up against a nearby wall. "Now tell me who the hell you are and why I shouldn't put an arrow through you right now?" He asked me.

"Ah Oliver, don't you think that's a bit hasty right there." A female voice said over the radio.

\"Yeah personally I'd listen to her if I were you." I told him. "After all Oliver, how are you going to learn the truth if you kill me, and believe me the Oliver that I know of doesn't kill, he's a hero." I told him.

"He looked dead at me." You heard her, but how.?"

I looked at him and tilted me head. "I scanned for the radio frequency and then locked on, it's a tight band yes, known for quick bursts so that way no one can lock on, but considering that I'm not from around here, finding it is no problem for me." I told him.

Oliver backed off and turned away from me. "Since you seem to know me so well, let's go, you've got a lot of questions to answer and not just from me." He said as he led the way.


About fifteen minutes later after a motorcycle and glider ride to where he had been going, we arrived at the back of a warehouse like place that actually turned out to be a nightclub of sorts. He lead me inside and down the stairs to a place that had been hidden from view, a place that had more high tech gear and training equipment than I had ever seen before in the last location that Green Arrow had. "Well this isn't like the last place that I had been in before, but then again that had been a totally different world, and one that I'm not going to be going back to any time soon." I stated as I looked around the place.

As I looked over the place, I saw that there were two others that were there, a young lady and a very muscular black man looking at me. The black guy looked like he wanted to put a bullet in my head given the first wrong move I made, and I had no doubt that he was fast, but he had no idea that about my suit at all. "So who are you and what are you doing here and what do you want?" Oliver asked.

"First off for right now, at least till I've got a better understanding, you can call me Ninja, and no not just because of the black with slight red suit that I'm wearing right now. I come from a different dimension, a similar one to this one, but different. I had already been on a world that was similar to this one, and honestly thought that I had gone back to that world, and that actually isn't supposed to be possible. However when I rechecked this world's dimensional signature, I noticed that I wasn't on that world at all. I was actually on a similar yet younger world, and it seems one that doesn't have all of the heroes that that world had." I said as I looked at a news feed that was coming in through one of the monitors. "As for what I'm doing here, I'm just a traveler, and usually there's a reason as to why I travel to different worlds, like the last one that I had been on was dealing with an augmented reality that was in fact hurting the people of that world, or even a world that had been similar to that of Tron, like I said, different worlds. As to what I want, it seems that since I'm on this world, I'm to help you in some way, and believe me I've got the skills needed to be able to help you. How I help you I don't know, but after that little problem at that warehouse, it seems that there's something coming up that you're going to be needing my help on in a big way." I told him.

I noticed that there were two more people that had come down the stairs an amazing brunette woman, and a teen kid in a red hoodie. "Great it looks like the rest of your team is here. Though on the last world that I had been on, she would be Canary, and you young man would Roy." I said as I walked over to him.

Canary walked over to Oliver and at that point I was thankful that I could still hear them even when they whispered. "Oliver, who is this, and where did he come from?" She asked.

"I don't know, but he says that he's from a different dimension, and that he's seen people that were a different version of us." Oliver told her.

"From what I've been able to understand here, Ninja here is from a parallel Earth, different results that have taken place for each location that he's been on. He's been traveling from world to world, but him being here and talking about us as if he's already met us before, that's actually kinda creepy." The woman sitting at the computer stated.

"Felicity do a check on the cameras around that warehouse within a two mile radius and see if you can find something that might've been out of the ordinary. We might be able to find a camera that caught him and his story." Oliver told her.

With that, I actually walked over to her computer and took out my USB connection and plugged it into the side of the monitor and let my computer go to work. "I think that I can help narrow this all down." I told them as a window opened up and data information started to scroll down it, seconds later another window opened up and started flashing through cameras around the time index that I had arrived at. I saw that one of the cameras had been pointing directly down the alley when I had leapt in and I rewound the tape back to right before that point, and paused it. "Here you go." I told them as the footage started playing. Everyone was looking at the screen as I had it filling the entire monitor and right before their eyes, the screen showed someone starting to form up before the energy flared out for a few seconds only to go back and form up around me and solidify me into my body. This was actually the first time that I had seen myself actually leap onto a world, considering that I had never seen the experience from the outside before considering that I had always been on the inside of the leap each time, and had been pure energy each time.

Oliver stood up and faced me. "Looks like you were right about coming from a different world, and about how you got here, now the only question is why are you here." I was about to say something when he put his hand up. "I know that you don't know, which means that in the mean time, you're going to have to stay here and out of sight unless you're going to be needed, and right now I don't think that's going to be happening." He finished as he stepped up to the black guy. "Diggle, keep an eye on our mystery guest here. I've a feeling that something's about to happen and that he might be at the center of it all."

"Do my best Oliver, you know that."

"In the mean time, I've got to find out what was going on at that warehouse and what the Golden Tiger wanted there in the first place." Oliver stated.

I realized right then, that this also might be my chance to also find out why I was brought to this world as well, and considering my suit, I knew that I could be able to scan an area and find out details that Oliver might miss. "I think you're going to want to take me along with you, after all, my suit can be able to help you out in ways that you can't get otherwise." I told him.

I could tell that he was thinking that over, but wasn't too sure, and I could understand that. After all, here I was someone that didn't come from his world, intruding upon things that he normally handled himself with the help of his friends. "Right now, I'm not so sure that's a good idea." He said.

I nodded. "I completely understand, after all I'm not from this world, and here I am coming in for the first time to your world and throwing everything off kilter completely, and here you are with your friends dealing with something that could affect the city in ways that none of us can be able to see at this point in time." I said as he walked over to the case that held the arrows for his quiver in them.

He looked at me with determination and I knew that this would be the end of it for now. "Yes that's it, but at the same time, how do I know you're not working for Slade Wilson? After all, this right here would be his style, something that I know that he could be able to pull off." Oliver stated. "So for now, you're going to be staying here, while I go check things out."

I watched as Oliver gathered everything that he was going to need and then left with the girl that had arrived with the one he would eventually call Speedy. "Great, I'm not on this world for more than five minutes, and I'm shunned and sent to the sidelines without so much as a second look, this is a first." I said as I walked over to the girl behind the computers. "Looks like I'm just going to be doing everything here, I won't touch, but my computer systems with be checking out the images that these screens show." I said as I peered at each one of them.

I knew that Diggle was watching me like a hawk to make sure that nothing happened, and for me that was fine, but I wanted to help out, and I had a feeling that the only way that I was going to be able to do that was to analyze the images and see if there was anything from here that I could see that they might miss there.

Once they had arrived at the location, I could see that there were things there that they were seeing and picking up on, but something wasn't right. That was when I saw it. "Tell Oliver to back off from that truck right now." I said.

Diggle was standing right behind me, and I had been so intent on the screens I hadn't even noticed. "And why should he do that?" He asked.

"Because if Oliver doesn't stop, they're going to trip a bomb that's on the back of that truck." I told him.

It took Diggle a few seconds before he nodded and sent word to Oliver. I looked back at the screen and saw Oliver stop dead in his tracks, and then started looking around the truck, after about five minutes, he spotted the same thing that I had spotted when it came to the trip wire leading to the bomb.


Thirty minutes later, everyone was back and everyone was looking at me. "Just how did you know that there was a trip wire there for that bomb?" Oliver asked.

As I looked him dead in the eyes, I folded and lowered my helmet down letting him see my face and eyes for the first time. "Because as I had said before you left, thanks to my suit, I could see things that you normally couldn't. So since I couldn't be there in person, I checked out the scene through a camera and that's when my suit saw the trip wire and pointed it out to me right off." I told him.

Oliver looked me dead in the eyes, I knew that right then he was making some kind of decision. "Then we've got a lot to talk about," He said.

In the back of my mind I knew only one thing, that can't be good.

Felix Sanchez
Carrier for Martinez News-Gazette, Martinez, CA
Alhambra High School
Class of '97
My Political World Facebook Page:
Ninja Chronicles Blog (fictional):
Ninja Chronicles eBook Kindle:
Ninja Chronicles: The Return Blog (fictional):
My page: 

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Future World Part 3

Surprisingly the vents that I was crawling through were rather clean, despite the fact that there was no air cleaning system active that I knew of at all. However not five minute after starting my crawl through their system I started hearing a humming sound, however this sound I had no idea where in the world it was coming from at all, it was bouncing off of all the metal around me. Thing was, as I continued, I noticed that the sound was actually getting louder, as if it and I were getting closer.

As I came up to a cross point, one that had gone in several directions, I saw the reason for not only the sound, but for why the vents were as clean as they were. Roving cleaning droids, working constantly to make sure that the vents were clean of anything that might clog up the system. Once that was figured out and understood, I brought up my right up and punched up on the gauntlet screen a schematic of the building and where my target location was at, which turned out to be twenty levels below me. The multi-cross section that was in front of me was the most direct route to the level that I needed, however the problem that I faced was the cleaning droids, I had a feeling that they might destroy anything that I left behind in order to get down to that level. So I did the only thing that I knew of, I took the plunge.

Upon dropping into the down vent, sections started rushing at me like crazy, and if it hadn't been for the H.U.D., then I would never have known that I was about to hit the level. Since my hands were behind me, I just fired the grapple lines from the wrists and let them snag on the sides and help to slow my decent as I got closer. I just had to make sure that everything happened fast enough that the lines didn't get cut before I got to the level I was aiming for. The lines snagged and slowed me down fast and got me right to the level, were I slid into and pulled the grapple lines back in. Pulling up the schematic again, I instead overlaid it onto the H.U.D. and put my current position on there, and unlike before with the decent that I had, this time the surrounding areas outside of the vent system were also included so that was I knew exactly where I was at all times.

After crawling for twenty minutes and taking different twists and turns in the vent, I arrived at the location that I was trying to get to, and looked down at the room that I was about to enter. The place was a huge chamber, one that had a central station similar to that of what Alice was in, only the one that was in this one, was in the center of the machine and their mind was directly plugged into the system. I was actually surprised that the one in the center of the unit was encased in a green bubble like spot with wires hooked up to his head and down the spin of his back. This wasn't something that was good in the least, question I had now, was this guy in their willingly or not?

Looking further around the place, I noticed that there were four techs and two security guards in the room. Since the obvious threat was the guards, I was going to have to take them out first, and I knew that I was going to have to move fast. It was right then that I noticed something that I should've seen first, and had just noticed it right before I was about to drop down. They were all wearing that head piece thing that gave them an augmented reality that let them see more than what was really there.

I realized that I had to get their headsets off, which means that I had to shut them down, but I also couldn't do it through an EMP (Electro Magnetic Pulse), because that would in turn hurt the one that was plugged into the system and running it. So I figured that the only way that I was going to be able to shut them down, was by jamming their headsets.

I searched for the frequencies that the headsets were using, once I found it I jammed it and the men standing there started looking around wondering what in the world happened. I noticed though, that the scientists that were down there was also looking around confused as well and I realized at that what I had blocked covered all of them, which meant that it was that same throughout the planet.

I opened up and the vent and jumped down into the chamber with everyone else and moved, first I took out the guards, just knocking them out so that was they couldn't do anything else to me. Then I went after the scientists that were there, and gathered them up into one location in the room. "Stay put." I told them as I walked over to the center module and looked at the monitor that was connected to it. "I know that you can hear me. I also know that you're plugged into almost every single mind on the planet. I say almost because I know that there are those that are not connected to you, a resistance if you will, fighting you to give the people back their freedoms that they should never have lost in the first place." I stated.

At first there was nothing on the monitor; it was a complete blank screen, then a blinking curser. Then words started to appear. "YES I KNOW OF THOSE THAT RESIST ME, AND THE EFFORT TO BRING ORDER TO THE WORLD."

I looked down and then back to the monitor. "Yes I know and understand that you want to do this, but you're going to have resistance either way. You even tried to bring me into the fold, and I rejected it. When you try and force someone, people are going to reject being forced to do anything, and considering that it was dealing with their minds, yeah they're going to reject you completely." I told him.


"Right and you're forcing them together, that's where the rejection comes in." I explained. "Where I come from, if you try and force anyone, ANYONE to doing something that they don't want to do for themselves, they're going to resist and reject you. This goes for any world that I've been on or ever will be on."

For a minute there was nothing on the monitor, then something that I didn't think that I would see in talking to him. "HOW DO I END ALL THIS?" He asked.

A single question, something that I knew I would eventually come, what was needed in order to end this war and free the minds that were out there. "Can you be disconnected from this system?" I asked.


"Then considering that you're trapped here, just shut down the connection to everyone out there, first send them a message letting them know, give them a countdown to get them ready, and then disconnect the planet all at once, and end all of this." I told him.

Within minutes, everything that I had just told him to do was heading out to every single man, woman and child that was on the planet was bring told, and in every language that was out there. The timer was given five minute for everyone to get ready, this I could see from the camera feeds out there, that this was something that no one had even seen coming in the least.

At the end of the five minutes, I saw on a global scale that the entire network was shutting down all at once, that minds were being freed from whatever world and life that they had known of before. To begin a fresh new life and to work things out from there. Even I knew that there was going to be left over effects from everything that they had gone through, but it was worth it in the end.

I looked over at the guards, and I could see the confusion that was on their faces. "What's going on here, what's happened to the secondary world around us?" He asked.

I walked over to him and looked into his eyes and saw the root of everything that happened. "You were given the warning just now weren't you?" I asked him. He only nodded and just stood there, I really didn't know what to say to him beyond that.


Three hours later I was back where I had started from in that underground area. "It's going to take time, but over all everything that everyone's gone through, the world is going to be coming back from something that it should never have gone through in the first place." I told him.

"Is there anything that I can do?" He asked.

I looked at their leader, and then it came to me. "Yes, take the two that had been hooked up into the system, and take care of them, help them with a life that they should've had in the first place. It had been wrong to plug them into that computer world in the first place, the best thing that you can do is help bring them back into a real world instead of an augmented one that they had created and were fighting over." I told him. "Believe me; they're going to need that help in more ways that you could begin to understand. After all, they've had the entire world inside of their minds for the longest time, and being controlled by someone else that should never have been controlling them in the first place." I finished.

They all said nothing as I got back onto the glider and powered up to leave, and in all honesty I was hoping that I would never come back to this world ever again, I couldn't wipe it from my computer since I knew that if I did that, then at some later point, I would be coming back and that was the last thing that I needed. For now I just left things the way that they were and lifted up and through the sky light that was there. No words further on either side had been needed.

Once I got up to the right height level, I triggered the leap and left…and arrived in the dead of night on a world that I had never thought that I would be coming back to, only I knew that it wasn't the same world that I had left before. "Where am I?" I asked, fearing that I knew the answer only too well.

Felix Sanchez
Carrier for Martinez News-Gazette, Martinez, CA
Alhambra High School
Class of '97
Ninja Chronicles Blog (fictional):
Ninja Chronicles eBook Kindle:
Ninja Chronicles: The Return Blog (fictional):

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Future World Part 2

It had been at least two days since I had arrived on this world, with an actual living augmented reality as I had come to know it, and I still couldn't believe some of the things that I had seen here. My mind was still back in the chamber looking at a very real human Alice.

"This is Alice, her mind is plugged into the system and this is something that she actually wanted at the start." He told me.

The girl plugged in couldn't look older than that of 16 years old, and yet here she was half in the machine with a helmet over her head plugged in and spread out to the entire world. "I know what you must be thinking." A female voice called out. "That how can I survive being placed into a computer system like this, I was born right after the entity above us started to fully take over, and considering how my mind worked and being able to understand computers far better than everyone else, I was the only option that those that wanted to be free had. Plus my body also didn't work either, so placing my body and mind into the computer here was the best option, and I can help fight the computer system above us as well. And I also believe that the system above us is the same way as ours down here, that there is someone in truth inside their computer system up there. However I cannot defeat him in the computer world alone, he must be completely unplugged from the system in order to defeat those above." Alice told me.

I couldn't help but walk all around the system looking at it in different places, the entire thing looked like it had been pieced together from different components and somehow was able to work the way that they wanted to in the first place. However I could see things there that they couldn't, but at that moment I wasn't going to be saying anything right then.

A half hour later I was brought to where I was right then a room of my own while I stayed there, it was one of the traveling guest rooms that they had created for those that were on their side trying to free themselves from what was going on above them. I knew that I had to do something to help them out, this was the one world though that I found hard to actually understand in truth was what going on considering all of the technology that was being used here for making sure that the people were subjugated and didn't know it. Part of the problem that I had was that the people had no idea in the world about it, and more than likely were so used to it that they didn't know or understand any other life other than this one. The thing that really got me was that I had been told that they had been getting their message out there, which means that either their message was getting lost in the wind, or that the people were so confused that everything was completely mixed up for them.

Though the night, I worked on a program that would allow me to see the world from their eyes, but in a way that I wouldn't actually be tapping into their system, after all the last thing that I wanted was to get trapped with a program going with me from world to world. Once that was done I stepped outside the room that I had been given and walked towards the glider when someone approached me.

"I know that you might be thinking of leaving right now, but that might not be the best of ideas right now. Anyone that tries to leave during this time is usually shot down, some kind of reaction to something that we don't know about yet." He told me.

I got on the glider and started it up. "I can deal with that, however there something that I need to find out and there's no better time than now to find out what in the world's going on than to see the entire world." I told him.

I lifted up and flew up towards the high over head ceiling. I could see that there was next to no actual windows in what I had see before and picked one that had nothing in it, and flew dead on towards it picking up speed. I couldn't engage the Earth Warp engines like I wanted to till I had cleared the place, and then I knew I could be able to kick them in.

The moment that I cleared I kicked them in and the world stretched around me, just like each time before, only this time, I had an entire city passing by me as I headed for the sky. This time however it took me about five second from start to arrival to leave the Earth warp, one that had been done I hovered there before turning back to look at the world. I activated the program that I had created for this, and saw the world in a way that they had tried to explain before, but just really couldn't till I saw it this way. What I saw were the nodes and fields that had been created between the nodes, fields that carrier two different levels of information. I looked to the area that I have arrived in and noticed that those fields right there were constantly changing. The one thing that I did notice was that those that were in those fields were constantly being given the option of what they wanted to do in the first place; no one was being forced at all.

I used the Earth Warp to get back down and to make sure that I avoided anyone that might try and see me, believe me not as easy as one might think if someone knew what to look for, for me no one knew so I wasn't as worried about it. I pulled back just in time before I went through the window and flew through and then headed back to the level that my room had been on and landed the glider. There were people there waiting for me when I arrived.

"So did you see what you wanted to see when you were up there?" I was asked by their leader.

I stepped off and looked the man right in the eye. I lowered my helmet down so that he could look right at me as well. "Yeah I saw what I needed to see, and I also now know where their central point is as well." I told him as I walked over to the railing that was on edge of the level that I was on. "And that point is where I'm going to go to end all of this. You people need to live together, not under fields being controlled or influenced or anything like that." I told them as I looked out over the people that were living their lives there. A struggle that they had been going through for years. "I'm sorry but this is no way for anyone to live, and personally I'd be doing everything I could to be able to end it. Yes they have information and everything that they could possibly need up there, but do they have the truth about what's going on around them?" I asked.

He has stepped up beside me looking out over everything. "For the most part yes, but in everything that we're doing here the one thing that we believe in big time is the option to give them the choice in everything. Even the ones that are controlling the world above us haven't changed from that. After all look at what happened with you, not one signal person came after you when you came down here. Do we want to end all of this, of course this is no way for anyone to live, but is it going to take time, of course. However since we've been at this for more years than I care to remember, but there's right now nothing that we can actually do about this. Both sides right now have been in this battle for too many years, and we're all ready for this to end and now that you're here that time has come."

I turned to face him and then without saying anything, I headed for the one person that I could talk to about this, Alice. When I arrived at her chamber I walked around her and looked at everything including the cameras that actually moved and kept their eyes on me. "You know why I'm here?" I asked her.

"Yes I do." She said.

"And do you know why I'm about to ask what I'm going to ask?"

"You want my take on what you want to know since I'm plugged into the system, and only I can give you a side that no one here can ever be able to give you." She stated.

I stopped dead in front of her and knelt down. "Do you want to be free; do you want to be outside of this computer system that you're plugged into right now; do you want your life back?" I asked.

I didn't know how long it was going to take for her to answer, for me it felt like it was taking ages just for her to decide one answer, something that I never thought that I would ever get the answer to. However I did get that answer.

"Yes." The answer was so soft I almost didn't hear it, but I knew what she had said, and it was that response right there that had been the goal the entire time.


Over the next few days and several hours, I made ready for the biggest challenge that I could think of at the time, I know that it too was also going to be the hardest that I'd ever done too. Getting into the main complex that held the male side of the entire world network, the side that Alice was constantly fighting against. Thing was, this also had to be a solo mission too, I couldn't risk taking anyone with me and something going wrong, there was just way too much at stake for something like this.

"Are you sure you wouldn't be willing to take someone with you." Their leader that I'd come to know as John asked me.

"I'm sure. There's just too many things that might go wrong, so I can't take the chance that someone will get hurt, so no I can't take anyone with me at all, sorry." I told him. Believe me, I honestly didn't like the thought of going it alone, but at this point I already knew that I had no choice in that.

That was considered the end of that, and he never said anything beyond that, I figured that he had said everything that he wanted to say, however he took me off guard when he came back with two armed men. "You'll be taking these two men with you, that way even I know that everything's been done, one or both of them might be equipped with video gear that will allow me to see everything that's there and happening live." He stated.

The two men were armed to the teeth and that was the one thing that I didn't need considering that I need to be as nimble as I could be in getting through this. I had a plan worked out in my head and this guy was determined to screw everything up and over. "Is it me, or are you trying to screw everything up and over with all this?" I asked him.

His look didn't tell me anything, but I already knew that this was going to be something that was going to delay everything. "You will take them with…"

I didn't let him finish before I made my move and completely disarmed the men standing there, and I had done it so fast that they didn't even know that I had moved. I had picked up a few extra moves from the Minute World that actually came in handy, considering that people with guns tend not to move that fast. "Now, unless you want me to prove my point again, I'm going alone." I told him, as I finished what I had started and was now loading up the glider to leave.

"How in the world did you do that?" He asked me as I finished and got on.

I looked him right in the eyes. "One of the worlds that I had visited before coming here, I learned that those that wish to fight with guns only, they tend to be the ones that are not only the slowest, but also become the biggest targets as well." I told him as I lifted the glider up and flew off to the top of the building and flew out.

Now to be honest, at first I didn't know how far the location that I needed to go would be at, at least not till I scanned a nearby nod and I traced it back to the source for the place. That's when I had discovered that it was in truth really close by. These people had their base right under the enemy nose, and the ones that wanted to be in control, they had no idea.

Upon arriving at the location, I could tell that it was the main base because of the huge green glowing node at the top of the structure. I say that because with this entire city, all of the building seemed to be interconnected together, and all to the point that you didn't know where one ended and one started. However with this building right here, it seemed to be completely on its own as I continued to check it out, I flew around it a few times getting an understanding of the entire thing.

Once I got a better feel for the place, I brought the glider in over to one of the vent ports and knew that it was time. "Time to go into the belly of this beast." I stated more to myself than to anyone else around me as I crawled into the vent and bid the outside world good bye.

Felix Sanchez
Carrier for Martinez News-Gazette, Martinez, CA
Alhambra High School
Class of '97
Ninja Chronicles Blog (fictional):
Ninja Chronicles eBook Kindle:
Ninja Chronicles: The Return Blog (fictional):

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Future World Part 1

One of the things that I’ve come to expect when it comes to the different worlds that I travel to, is the unexpected, now that’s not to say that things for this get boring, believe me they don’t. However every once in a while you’ll come across one that is so different that you’ll wonder what path they took in order to get where they were then. Like take for example one world were clothing was completely forbidden, everyone walked around without a stitch on. The only thing that people wore was just accessories like watches or jewelry, things like that, but anything else, forget it. Upon that world I spent five hours after I got there in a single room because they wouldn’t let me out. It was the first time that I actually folded down the suit and put it into standby mode for the very first time.

Believe me that was one world that I was actually thrilled to get off when I could. However it was only going to be after I served a penalty time for what I had done when it came to the suit that I would be able to leave since they wouldn’t let me do it before. I know that I could’ve just triggered it and left, but I figured that I’d check out the world more, and part of the penalty time was getting to do exactly that.

The next world that I traveled to was one that was extremely techno, all to the point that I had to wonder if I actually returned to another world that I had visited prior, and I know that I hadn’t. The one main difference between them was that this one didn’t have someone ruling over them like a nut case.

The place was a complete technological marvel, everywhere and everything that I looked and looked at was just tech, and this was literally in a 360 degree arc that I looked in to. It was almost like I had leaped into a huge computer core, complete with flying vehicles, and even a few times I had to move out of the way to make sure that I didn’t get hit at all.

After flying around for a bit, I noticed a rooftop park and decided to land there, even though I didn’t know what in the world the rules of law were for this world, I figured that the landing pad there was a dead giveaway for please land here (plus there was a bunch of other vehicles there as well all parked.

As I walked around the place, I noticed that everyone that was there, men, women, and the kids were all wearing a kind of head set with a holo projector on them. I scanned the device and noticed that it was an information feed of sorts, projected as a holo screen in front of the wearers eyes, however when I scanned the feed that was going into each of them, that’s when something different took place.

It seemed that when I scanned the head sets, the system noticed that I wasn’t hooked into the fed and had decided to change that, only problem was, my system was separate and independent of the rest of the world. This was done both for security reasons, and the fact that I never stayed on one world long enough. I mean I could learn the information and history about that world, but that was as far as it went.

“Excuse me sir, but you’re going to have to let the data feed enter into your system.” A voice said from behind.

I turned around to see a law enforcement type person standing next to me, like he had just teleported right to the spot that he was currently standing at, and he too was wearing one of the headsets. “Ah excuse me, but two things here, one who the hell are you, and two considering that I’m not from this world, that right there is actually out of the question.” I told him.

The guy chuckled. “I know and understand that sir; we’ve been tracking you since you arrived on our world about twenty minutes ago. We’ve been trying to connect you up to our data stream, but for some reason we’re encountering firewalls that we’ve never seen before ever. We thought that we could overcome them by now, but clearly that hasn’t happened. We even tried brute force, and even that failed. So they sent me instead to travel by primitive means in order to be able to ask you in person.” He stated.

I looked at him, and then around the place. “Yeah I was wondering about that, how in the world did you get here that fast any way, I don’t see a transport, did you teleport in or what?” I asked him.

He looked at me for a second and didn’t say anything, that’s when something hit me. If he had teleported in, then I would’ve heard something, and I didn’t heard anything at all, which only meant one thing. I stepped up to him and waved a hand at him. It passed right through him. “As you can see, I’m actually not here, I’m a hologram. Normally we would just be making contact with you through the data stream; however we had to use the old holo-projectors here in order to make that contact and request for access of the data stream to you. So please the access.” He asked again.

I looked him dead in the eye. “The answer to that is going to be no.” I told him.

“Trust me on this, you’re going to want to access the data stream, and before you ask, no there is no guest stream, just the main one. Believe me, you’ll understand everything one you get access.” He told me.

I sighed and walked through him. “Believe me, it’s not that I don’t want to, actually no I don’t. But the reason for that in first place is because of what I’ve been through in the past, and that is the number one reason why I don’t want this in the first place.” I told him as I looked out on the city.

“You’re thinking that we might try and take over the suit, and that there’s someone bent on trying to control everyone and everything here. Actually that’s not the case. No the reason is because there’s a separate world here, one that you actually cannot see, not unless you’re hooked into the data stream can you see it. Besides we happen to have a guest stream, which is where you’re going to be entered onto, plus it allows you to be able to leave and not have a single trace left in your system at all. You can even scan the stream if you wish to know that there is nothing there at all.” The guy told me

I decided to at least scan it to find out everything that was there, but to leave the hook up alone; after all I wasn’t going to be too easy in getting to when it came to this suit. I switched over to scan mode, and noticed that there were several data nodes all over the place, and that this was where the information was coming from, the data stream if you will. I did an extremely deep scan of the node, and discovered something that I couldn’t honestly believe, that unless I got hooked up, there was an entire level to this world that I would never be able to see. A level that on my home world they were only just discovering with virtual reality, but this here went well beyond virtual, however the only way that I was going to be able to see it was by hooking into the stream, something that I wasn’t ready yet for. I dove below what I was seeing there to check out the code that the stream was made of and started checking things out, and at first there was things there that I almost didn’t understand at first, but the more that I looked at it, the more that I began to realize what was going on here. Even though there was a guest level, the problem with it was that it didn’t include all of the code that was needed in order to be able to fully get around, no for that you needed to get hooked up into the main stream, and for that, I wasn’t about to after the coding that I saw for it. Not only would the stream fully connect with you, but there was an underlying code that took over everything including your mind, to the point that you because almost literally one with the system. However I understood in a way the need for it, but it was the implementation that I didn’t like, the code was hidden so that the people couldn’t see what the truth of their world really was.

Then I noticed something else, something that was meant to stay hidden from the main stream, and something that wasn’t even supposed to be noticed by the stream at all. It seemed that there was another group of people that were using the stream against its self, one that seemed to be a part of the population, but at the same time, hidden. That was when I noticed that the coding changed, like it had noticed me and decided to see what I was all about, but it gave me a burst of something that left and came into my system, one that I knew I needed to read after I left the stream.

Once out, I looked around and noticed things differently than I had before, people interacting in a different way than I first saw, like there was something there that I couldn’t see, something that unless I did hook up with the main stream I was never going to be able to see. “I understand why you want me to hook up into the system for. However it seems that there’s more here then what you’re willing to tell me, beyond your being a hologram.” I said as I walked through him and towards the edge over looking the entire city.

The guy looked at me like I just suddenly had a second head appear. “I don’t understand what you’re talking about sir.” He said to me.

I had read the message that seemed to have escaped the ones in control, it told me to go down and that I would get more information after. I turned around to look the guy dead in the eyes. “Honestly, I do believe that you do.” I told him as I did a back flip off the edge and took a dive right for the bottom of the planet.

In a split instant, the entire world around me slowed down to nothing, nothing in the entire world was moving at all, and I was the only one that was. I had experienced this before, but never at this level. It was like something was trying to prevent me from leaving the platform, but it just couldn’t grab a hold of me in time. Then time caught up and I was within near terminal velocity before my glider that I had called caught up to me and got to me in time for me to get on board and prevent me from going into terminal.

I turned on the thrusters and started moving faster and faster down into the city’s lower level areas, areas that I think the system didn’t want me to see at all. Something that I honestly don’t think that the system wanted anyone above to know ever, and as I looked around I noticed that the nodes were missing here, they couldn’t track me here and even I started to wonder what might be awaiting me here. Once I got to the lowest level, I just floated slowly along the ground and kept looking around the place.

“Welcome, you’re near your destination, we’ve been waiting for you.” A female voice spoke up in my ear.

That right there was not only unexpected, damned near took me off guard for it. “Who is this, what do you want, I got you message and I’m here, now who is this?” I asked the voice.

“Everything shall be revealed in time, you are twenty meters to your destination.” The female voice spoke.

Everything in here was dark, and there was nothing giving off any kind of light at all and even thermal couldn’t shed any light on the subject at all. I was in the dark on all levels and it drove me a bit nuts on that too.

Suddenly light came on in every direction that nearly had me if the suits HUD hadn’t compensated at literally the last second. The system detected the power serge and adjusted the vision just in time. “Stay where you are or you will be shot.” A male voice called out.

“Yeah, like that’s going to work.” I stated. “Look I was sent for here, and if you and this female voice I’m hearing aren’t going to give me answers then I’ll just leave.” I stated.

The lights started to dim down, and enough that I could get better look at not only who was there, but at the same time who I was talking to in the first place. First thing that I noticed was the way that the people were dressed, nothing like it was above, everyone here was in a different state of dress as if something had been preventing them from dressing better. I slowly stepped off the glider and continued to look around the place, and the chamber that I was standing in, which mind you wasn’t that big really, and that surprised me a bit right there. There were no windows aside from the two doors in the place, everyone it seemed was either gathered right there in that chamber, or they were outside trying to either see in or listen in on what was going on. “So now that you’ve brought me down here, who was the voice and what’s going on here, aside from the mind control that’s happening above our heads right now?” I asked.

The man that stood directly in front of me and the glider stepped forward. “That voice is our computer A.I. She currently goes by the name Alice, but she had a prior name that’s been lost to time. The city above is currently under the control of an A.I. that goes by a different name, one that we’ve stricken from ourselves in order to not ever be caught by the forces above.” The guy explained. “I’m surprised that they didn’t try and bring you into their system that they have up there.”

I smiled under the helmet mask, and looked towards the ground before folding my helmet back into my suit. “They did try, but the mistake that they made was letting me look into the coding of their system, that was when I caught Alice’s message to come down here, however she didn’t give me her name at the time, I figured that was only to make sure that she didn’t get caught so that way it could be left as background noise that came into my computer system. It seems that since the moment that I arrived on your world that they had tried bringing me into their system, but since they had never dealt with something like what I’ve got, they got blocked on every attempt that they made. They even sent someone in holographic form to try and sway me. Nothing worked, though I must say that I almost went onto their so called guest network before I caught the message. I had already seen that the guest network wasn’t one that I was going to be getting out of any time soon, that it was just a connection to the full system.” I said to them as I looked around the place still.

The guy smiled. “Good, then you’re one of us, you were able to resist their system and set up completely, and there was nothing that they could do about it. We’re trying to fight a war that’s been waging for several years now, but it’s not a war that actually involves guns or bombs, more like a secondary world were the people of this world in truth are caught in the middle of this world and have no idea what in the world is going on. An augmented reality if you will, but with very real world dealings, as you could see from the world above our own.” He said as he pointed and looked up. “Come we’ll show you the rest of this place, and then you can decide if you would like to help us, or leave this world for another.” He said.

This guy whomever he was, had actually given me the choice on if I wanted to help or to leave, sometimes when something like this happened, I pretty much was never given the choice. However since I had already seen the world above, and had seen things that I realized I didn’t much like, it was leaving a world as a bunch of yes people doing what they have been told, and having no choice. For me, I already hadn’t been given much of choice the moment that I had hacked into their system and checked out the coding that was there. This was something that I had to deal with and yesterday.

We went from the chamber to another room, one that was far bigger than even I had realized was possible, and then I realized what I was looking at here. “This is a city, a city below the main city.” I stated.

“Yes it is, this city is for those that know the truth and wish to live free, and sometimes you do have those that want to leave and travel to the city above. When that happens, then they asked to have parts of their memory wiped clean, so that way, they don’t let the others know about what’s going on right below them.” He stated. “For those above, once they start to come to some sort of clue about what’s really going on, that’s when Alice finds them and directs them here. Once they arrive here, that’s when we personally interact with them. Till then, we pretty much have to stay out of the above.”

The apartments as I came to think of them, were like dwelling chambers with raggedy curtains covering the entrances, it was like something out of a post apocalyptic world, and I had only partly been on one of those worlds before, and I had only buzzed through that world. This was a post world of its own type, and they hadn’t blown each other up yet, but then with the weapons that they had been using, that was something that wasn’t going to be happening any time soon. At least I hoped it wouldn’t, but as far as I could see, beyond the people, it was two computer programs that were fighting it out between them. “You do realize that you’re going to have to fight back harder than what you’ve been doing right.”

He didn’t turn back to look at me, he just kept walking, through different areas and corridors of the place, “I know that we’re going to have to fight back harder, but what you don’t understand, it’s the nodes that are above us that are giving the people the problem in the first place. We’re trying to defeat those nodes. We have people actually living above us right now that are fighting for us, taking over nodes and spreading out the truth when they can, believe me it’s not something that happens to be easy, but it is a way that we can fight back on their level and in their world.”

We walked into a room just outside the main living area, and the place looked like it was full of computers, at least in different set ups. Beyond that there were monitors all over the place. “What is this place?” I asked.

“It’s one of several computer stations that hack into the nodes to be able to help get the message out about the truth of the above world, however we can’t always use the same computers all the time since there are viruses that are always being sent out by the computer nodes systems.” He told me.

We walked to a door on the other side of the room and I could see from the look on his face that this wasn’t something that was normally seen by anyone. “I take it that you have something on the other side here that isn’t seen by anyone normally?” I asked.

He looked me directly in the eye lenses. “Yes you’re right.” He whispered as if he was going to do something to me. “This is the one place here that with the exception of a few, no one enters EVER.” He said as he turned to the door and opened it up. “This is Alice.”

We stepped through the door and entered another chamber, but this one was different from all the rest of them. Not only was this the only door to the chamber, but there was something in the center of the chamber. I walked around and looked, and what I saw not only took my breath away, but floored me.

The object in the center of the room was a computer system, and that computer system was hooked up to a single human being, a female human being. Alice.

Felix Sanchez
Carrier for Martinez News-Gazette, Martinez, CA
Alhambra High School
Class of '97
Ninja Chronicles Blog (fictional):
Ninja Chronicles eBook Kindle:
Ninja Chronicles: The Return Blog (fictional):