Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Time World Pt. 2

Time World Pt.2


When I arrived back on the former ice world, considering that's what I had called it when I first arrived here back when the entire planet looked like it had been going through a permanent ice age. However when the blue field faded from view and I was once again looking back over that world, I noticed something right off; the entire world had changed greatly.

Before I made the leap back to this world from the Time World, I moved to where I knew I would find the leaders of this world. However I wasn't expecting to see technology of a level that this world hadn't seen before. Which only went to tell me that these people were very eager to find the one called Sub-Master no matter what world he was on, and by doing that just like in war time, it had jumped everything on this world far faster than it should have by any means.

I flew the glider over to where I thought the council of this world might be, and sure enough I found them there, and except for two of them which I took for the most highest. I walked over to them, unfolding my helmet so they would see who it was.

"Ah, hey there, what you guys up to? Looks like you're amassing an army out there." I pointed out.

I could tell as one of them looked at me that they were only going to grudgingly acknowledge me if at all. "Oh, it's you." One of them stated.

I realized that a lot of things had changed on this world, and one of them was the ranking structure of the planet. I was going to have a lot to learn here. "So what's going on, and what's with the new duds?" I asked.

"Since you left, there's been a bit of changes around here. We decided to take your advice and go looking for him as well." One of them told me.

"Wait so you're actually going to attempt to travel through dimensions in order to go find the one that turned this world into an ice ball?" I asked.

One of them looked up, and I realized that he seemed to be the leader here, namely considering that he had far more decorations on him than the other guy did. "No Alex, not attempt, we're actually going to travel through. You see since you were last here, we've actually gone into great strides with inter-dimensional travel. We sent scouts all over the dimensional landscape till we found him, and yes we did find him. So we're going there now, and if that world continues to harbor him, they will face a force like nothing that they have ever known."

I good see by the look in his eyes that he really didn't care who got caught in the cross fire with this. An entire world invaded from another dimension with whole families getting caught up in the cross fire, and what they didn't know what that there was an entire super powered team ready and willing to take these people on and more than likely wipe them out. First they would lay waste to the military force that was here, and then they would travel to this world and completely wipe out this entire capital and everyone here.

"OK, first off, glad you found him. Second, I think you might want to rethink the entire go in guns blazing issue, after all you don't know what this world has when it comes to those that defend it." I told them.

Their leader looked at him. "If you're talking about those Time Masters that are there, we've learned everything about them, including their weaknesses, we know how to take them down." He told me.

I knew at that point that there was going to be no talking him down at all. I had to think of something that would be able to do it, but in truth I didn't. They knew about the Time Masters, which meant that they knew about the Time Team on whole. "Look what if I told you that the one you're after is actually willing to come back here and stand trial for what he did." I told him.

That right there got his attention. "Wait, you're saying that he's actually willing to come back to this world?" He asked.

Considering that he didn't say stand trial got me a little concerned. "Yeah he is. When he went to that world, he tried pulling off what he did here there, and it failed thanks to the Time Masters. He's been mostly holed up in that world's northern area for the majority of the time that he's been there. He had tried a few times after to do something, but each attempt failed." I told them. At this point everyone in the room was now looking at me. "So right now they're over there waiting for me to come back to let them know that he's able to come back. Basically giving you guys the heads up, and by the look of things outside not a moment too soon either. After all, you guys aren't an invading force hell bent on taking over other worlds, you're just looking for one man, though one man with the ability to create ice and freeze places over. Still this right here saves you all the trouble." I finished.

Their leader looked down at the table, and then walked over to a nearby window that actually looked out over the troops that were gathering to travel through. "Fine, go back and bring him here. We will not travel through and invade that world." He told me.

One of the guy in the military get ups stepped towards their leader. "Supreme Chancellor, are you sure that this is wise. After all, they've harbored him all this time; shouldn't they be punished for harboring him?"

I could tell that the Supreme Chancellor, as they called him, was thinking that over. Something about that military guy struck a nerve deep down, something that I could tell wasn't going to sit well with me later on. "No, for right now, we'll allow Alex to bring him back, then we'll go from there."

I walked over to the Supreme Chancellor. "You're making the wise choice right now. I'll bring him and the Time Masters here. The Time Masters will only be there to make sure that he doesn't get out of line. By the way, over there they've been calling him Sub-Master." I told him as I called my glider over to me. It flew along the floor to me where I got on it. I already knew that in the world that I was traveling back to, there was nothing here. "I will be back, I will appear back over towards where the edge of the ground here are." I told him, however I didn't state exactly where, I wanted to keep that a surprise. I leapt right before he had a chance to actually ask exactly where.


When I arrived, I was in the air right where I thought that I would be, which mean that if someone was looking right where I was when I arrived they would've seen my blue leap burst of energy. Wouldn't matter anyway, I'd be coming back here with everyone.

I flew off towards the location that they were at, still hoping that nothing had changed since I left a little while ago. By the time that I had arrived there, I could sense that there was a huge amount of tension with everyone in the chamber, even my HUD had switched over to combat mode which is something that it rarely did on its own.

"OK, this is something that I didn't think I would encounter when I got back here." I pointed out.

"Yeah, things have been a bit tense since you left." Their third Chris pointed out. "How'd things go over there anyway?" He asked.

"Well they're ready and waiting, I told them that I would be bringing him back with you guys as well, and considering that you guys have been keeping him in check all this time, I figured that you would be the best ones to continue to keep him in check even now going over to the other side to make sure that he doesn't do anything that he shouldn't." I told them. "However the others I don't know about, considering that they're not from this world either.

It was then that the one with the bubble on his head spoke up. "My world banished me, so my associate and I have no world to go to, however unlike Sub-Master here, we are not from another dimension, we are from another planet in this universe." He finished.

Well looks like that one got settled right there. Which mean that as much as some would've liked to have left them behind, there was no way that they could be left behind. Head knew this before I had even thought about it, but he didn't say anything. Instead he walked over to them and took something out of where his waist was, which to me looked like there was nothing there in the first place, and asked both of them to raise their hands up. The both did so and Head put what looked like a restraining cord around their wrists. Once that was done he activated them and they started glowing blue, but I could tell that nothing beyond that was going to happen, at least that's what it looked like to me.

After that was done, Head walked over to me and stood before me. "Alright, where do we go?" He asked.

I looked at him dead in the eyes through my HUD. "Got a ship we can transport them with?" I asked.

An hour later we were flying through the air, Sub-Master and Sub-Mistress secured in seats just behind the cockpit area. The two aliens, one of whom I learned was called Dr. NoRight (no idea where in the world they came up with that name), were secured in an aft holding cell with tech that turned out to be from not only from another dimension, but far more advanced than even the good doctor would understand.

"So you're sure about these people?" I was asked by Amy, the fourth Time Master.

"To be honest, before I would've said yes, now after what I saw on their world before I came back here, I'm not so sure. When I was there, they had an entire invasion force there ready and waiting to go. Their Supreme Chancellor made the right call by having me come back to get you all, but I'm worried about his military advisor after I left there. Considering that he was willing to punish not just you guys, but your entire world as well. I mean this guy looked like he was hell bent on not only invasion, but also taking over your world. Believe me I've seen that before, and it's not a good thing." I told them.

Head was in the pilot's seat. "Well then, we'll just have to be on our guard then won't we?" He stated. "We're coming up on the location now. From what you've told us, we should be just outside their outer wall now. Once we land, Ninja, you'll go outside and leap us to that other world. They know your energy signature; they don't know ours and I don't want them finding out either." He told me.

To be honest, that was something that I really hadn't thought of till he said something, and even then I didn't fully think about it till I was outside the ship and I realized what he meant. If these people now had the ability to cross dimensions, then what was stopping them from tracking my energy signature? That was something that I would eventually have to deal with after we crossed over, because right now, we had no idea what in the world was awaiting us on the other side.

Now in order for me to leap me along with the ship, I was going to have to change up everything on my onboard computer in my suit. I had only done this once before, when I was taking just a person, this time it was going to be an entire ship with people on board. After I got everything reconfigured, I took the leap, having no idea what in the world we were leaping into.

Felix Sanchez
Carrier for Martinez News-Gazette, Martinez, CA
Postmates Courier, San Francisco, CA
Alhambra High School
Class of '97
My Political World Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/My-Political-World/
Ninja Chronicles Blog (fictional): http://ninjachroniclesstories.blogspot.com/
Ninja Chronicles eBook Kindle: http://www.amazon.com/Ninja-Chronicleskindle
Ninja Chronicles: The Return Blog (fictional): http://ninjachroniclesthereturn.blogspot.com/