Monday, October 5, 2015

Time World Pt. 1

Time World Pt.1


Now by this point you know that I've been to a LOT of different worlds, different versions of the same Earth. I mean for all intents and purposes I was no longer on the Earth that I knew and was on a totally different planet. So that's actually happened to me each time that I've made a leap to a different world. However none of them, not even the superhero worlds that I had been to, none of them were like this at all.

My onboard computer showed that this world was actually two minutes ahead of actual time, which was something different, considering that in the minute universe my clock didn't even turn on since time didn't register on that world at all. However by all accounts this world looked like home, like I had actually traveled back to my main home world, even though I knew that not to be true.

I flew around the sky far over head checking everything out down below to make sure that everything was fine and that no one was going to attack me any time soon. Yeah right, honestly I have to watch what I both say and think, considering that no sooner had I thought that then something came flying at me and fast. I was barely able to dodge out of the way in time before it almost hit me. I looked around to see where it had gone and noticed that there was a figured floating in the air above me. As I looked at it, I could tell that it was a lone guy that was there. At first I couldn't tell if he was looking at me or something else.

"I don't know who you are, but if you happen to have any bad intentions here, you will be stopped." He stated.

Guess he was looking at me. I check the nearby air space around me and noticed that there were three other figures that were floating around me, and at different points in the air. Of course they had no idea who in the world I was or anything that I could do, at least I didn't think that they did. So I decided to pull my version of a teleport and leaped to another dimension and flying off before leaping back. Considering that I was in a completely different location than before, they were taken off guard, but it was only for a moment since right after that, they took off after me. I opened up the engines on the glider to full and took off flying. I knew that moving in any direction was going to be tricky in tight turns, but then again, they had no idea about what my glider could do in the first place.

As I flew along, I noticed that there was only three that were flying after me, I looked around and noticed that one of them had somehow gotten ahead of me and was now waiting for me to arrive. However considering how far ahead of me he was, I was able to change direction and move out of the way. I decided that if there was going to be any fight here, that we might as well get out of any area where there might people that might get hurt. I moved and pointed us towards a desert that I knew was in that direction and opened up the Earth Warp Drive and the area tunneled out and then once the area that I was going for was reached, everything once again returned to normal. I flew down to a mountain spot and jumped off the glider and stood there waiting, the location that I had picked was one that I hope was called the same thing on this world as it was on the world that I came from Mount Diablo as it was called back on my home world.

I watched as not one but four people flew towards me and from what I could see, they flew on their own, nothing like what I had. They stopped short out of what they thought was my firing range, but they didn't know that they were well within my firing range.

"Who are you and what do you want on our world." One of them asked. He looked to be the leader of them.

I just stood there looking at them; I switched to scanner and figured that I could learn a little something about them before I said anything. The scanner I had actually installed back on the first world where I did most of my slight modifications before doing more on the Minute World, and it was something that actually came in handy quite often.

What I saw amazed me. We're talking on a molecular level, they had started off as normal humans till something had happened and then they had been changed. Their systems appeared to be in a state of constant temporal flux, but it was one that was controlled by mental powers. They knew that they could travel through time, but they were in full control over the entire thing from start to finish, it boiled down to the fact that unless they wanted to travel through times they wouldn't. Hell they could think about it and still stay unless they actually changed that in their minds. I personally had never met anyone like this ever before. They had other powers and abilities beyond the time travel, personal flight, different vision powers, all kinds of things that they could do, and they could all do this on each of their own.

During the short time that it took to actually scan them, it seemed that the one that asked me the question of what I was doing here was getting a little upset. "So what are you doing here?" He asked again.

"To be honest," I told him. "I was actually just passing through. Your world was one of many that I could've gone to, however my system was set on random at the time, and this world was the one that I ended up leaping to in the first place. I had no plans to attack anyone or anything, usually when I travel to a new world as this is for me, I tend to explore and learn what I can about that world before leaping and moving on. This was the first time that I had been attacked right off the bat instead of being asked anything." I told him.

I could tell just by the twitches on the sides of his mouth that he wasn't happy about what I had said, like he was used to being in control and I was someone that came along and somehow is screwing everything up for him. "So if you're exploring, why did you appear in the middle of the sky?" He asked me.

"The only reason why I leaped in the sky is because when I leap from world to world I never know exactly where the world is that I'm going to be leaping to. After all, even though the leap takes a second, each world that I travel to, is not in a fixed dimensional position, each one of them is in a completely different place than before. For example I could leap from here to another world, however for all I know once I leave this mountain I could end up in New York City in a different world. That's how the inter-dimensional leap works." I told him.

I could see in his eyes that he was thinking over everything that I was saying, and knew that something was happening in his mind, I just didn't know what. I took another look at them, but this time not from the point that I had before, this time is was just on the outside appearance only. I noticed that his look was far different from the rest of theirs. Even though the outfits that they wore were skin tight, they were all blue with the exception of a red star that covered the entire front of their bodies. Each of them had a different mask covering their faces. The leader of this group has what looked like a very thin visor on his face, while one had a thick visor, and one had a mask that just covered his eyes and cheek bones but that was it; it was like it had been painted on. The last one that happened to be a female that floated by the leaders side had a wrap around head mask that had two large lenses covering her eyes.

I was seriously starting to wonder what was up with this world. "So what do I call you folks anyway, all things considered?" I asked him and them.

I could tell that he was thinking about it but wasn't too sure. "We're called the Time Masters, and this world is called the Time World." He told me.

Now that right there was something that really got me interested. They had actually named their own dimension, which only told me that they had dealt with this sort of thing before. "So I take it that you've run into others that traveled to this world from other dimensions before, or have traveled to other dimensions yourselves?" I asked him, as I walked over to my glider and sat down on it.

I could see that out of all of them, he was the only one that looked a little irritated that I looked to be treating this whole thing so casually. "Yes we have. Some of them have been like yourself where they only stopped by before moving on, others have come here, and have tried taking over and enslaving the world under their own thumb, only because of the fact that they had destroyed their own world. Right now we've got a few of them here on this world out of sight only because they have no other world to travel to, you might've even visited some of their worlds before, in fact one of them looked to be nothing but ice." He stated.

I thought back to each of the worlds that I had been on and even scrolled through them on my HUD, and low and behold one of them had been nothing but ice. Even the people on that world had been frozen, however I had been able to thaw that world out and last I knew, they were looking into inter-dimensional travel in order to find the one that had done this so that they could bring him to trial.

After I had gone through those images and had closed that part of the screen out, I noticed that the leader wasn't floating in the air any more, nope he was standing on the ground right in front of me. Personally I didn't know if that freaked me out even more, but I wasn't going to deal with it right then and there. Maybe I could help the people of that one world out once again.

"I've been to that world, thawed them out too, now they're looking to create inter-dimensional travel in order to find him and bring him to trial. However even I see that as something that would end up being more dangerous to them than to the worlds around them in the first place. Since you know where he happens to be located, why don't we all go there so that way I can get him and bring him back to that world." I suggested.

I could see that he was thinking about it. "Fine, let's go." Was the only thing he said.


Turns out that we were heading north to the polar cap, why we were going there even I didn't understand. However when we did get up there, I saw something that I will never forget. There before me stood a massive construction, made entirely out of ice. Being in the place that it was at, one could tell that it would never come down or melt at all. We walked into the place, and through all of the different chambers that were there, went right to the heart of the place. A massive chamber stood before us, one that honestly looked bigger than what had been seen on the outside.

"So, to what do I owe the pleasure of this time, Head Time Master?" A voice called out from above us.

I looked towards a wide staircase that led up, and my eyes kept going up and up and up. When I finally arrived at the top, I saw this guy dressed in a nearly revealing outfit. When I looked closer though I noticed that it wasn't reveling so much so as it was skin right. A mask covered his lower face and head, while his hair was jet black. On his hands was gauntlet like gloves that also covered his forearms as well, and there were tubes that came out of the underside of the arm parts, did a partial wrap around to connect up with the top of the hand, and this was on both hands too. To his right, I noticed that there was a female that looked just like him, and to his left there were what looked like two men. I could see right off that the two of them weren't normal, one looked alien, and the other looked like a cyborg.

"It seems that your time has come Sub-Master. The frozen world you came from had been thawed out and went looking for you, or at least is trying to come look for you. However this gentlemen here will be taking you to them instead, considering that there are many worlds out there that shouldn't be visited, and that world's doesn't need to interact work them." Head Time Master told Sub- Master.

I honestly couldn't tell if Sub-Master was actually smiling or not but I could tell that something was about to happen, and I knew I wasn't going to like it in the least.

"Do you honestly think that you can just come here and take me where ever you want." Sub-Master said looking directly at me.

"Look," I told him, "after that world was thawed out, those people were pretty pissed off. They honestly didn't care what happened to them, and I'm not talking about the general population that you put in ice either, I'm talking about the general government of that world. You ton an entire world and froze it, and not only do they not know why, they want you back there to find out not only why, but to have you answer for it." I finished.

Again he looked right at me as he raised his hand. "I already told you, I'm not going back." He said as a bolt of blue energy leaped right or of his right hand to come flying right towards me.

For me, it was like time slowed down yet again, I knew in truth that it was my training that was kicking in. I not only managed to dodge to the side to avoid the blast, but also noticed the other Time Masters avoiding the blast as well, all except one. The Head Time Master. He just stood there as the blast came, but it never reached him. Another blast of energy leaped out of his visor and took out the blue energy, and all like it was nothing.

"How many times are we going to go through this, you and I both know that there is no way that you're ever going to defeat me, after all we both know that I'm the only one here that's the most angry that this has been going on for as long as it has. Come on, I've faced threats that were far greater than you, so just give this up. Look you've been facing this for a long time coming, after all it was you that told me that you feared the day that you would have to go back. You never did tell me why, however when this man here showed up and told us, well, do you honestly think that this is going to be something that we're just going to pass up in the least. Even I don't think so on that one." The Head Time Master said.

Even I could tell from not only the look in their faces and eyes, that this fight between all of them had been going on for a long time, and the fact that to these heroes these villains were nothing, that right there was something that even I had a hard time at first understanding. However I realized after a while that this was the truth of the matter. Now considering that it had been a long while since I had been to that frozen Earth, I was honestly wondering if they had at this point actually made the leap to travel between dimensions yet, after all if they had done that, then I would be bringing him into something that could change the entire dynamics of the multi-dimensional worlds all together, and that wasn't something that was going to be pleasant. It meant that I had to do something that I hadn't thought of till now, and that was that I had to leave here, go back to that world and let them know that I had found them. It was going to be the only way that made sure that they didn't do something stupid in a leap before you look method. After all there was many forms of travel between worlds, mine was one of them, after all I leaped between worlds, but they could create the energy bridge that would allow them create worm holes between the worlds. Now mind you mine was actually better for the fabric between the dimensions, but at the same time, using the wormhole method, it basically punched a hole through to allow everything needed to travel between. So since it was leaping like mine was, there was going to be after effects that were going to be harmful to not only their world, but also to each of the worlds that they traveled to as well.

I realized right then and there that before these people got too carried away, that I was going to have to step in and let them know what was going on. "Ah excuse me." I said to the head Time Master. "Can I talk to you for a quick second?" I asked him.

Without saying a word, we both stepped over to the side and I let him know quietly that I had to go back to that world and the reason for it, basically everything that I mentioned above. I could see that he wasn't happy with this, but he understood that it had to be done in the first place. "Look," I told him. "Once I make sure of everything on that side, I'll leap back over here to collect him and then head back. Hopefully nothing will go wrong, but all things considered I would like for you and your team to be back up for when we bring him back. Look you know what he's been like on this world after he first showed up, you're the only ones that can deal with anything that he might throw out there OK."

He thought it over and just nodded and then walked back over to his group. Personally I headed out the door, knowing that this was an area that was going to go south very badly and very fast as I leapt.

Felix Sanchez
Carrier for Martinez News-Gazette, Martinez, CA
Alhambra High School
Class of '97
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