Saturday, April 26, 2014

Future World Part 2

It had been at least two days since I had arrived on this world, with an actual living augmented reality as I had come to know it, and I still couldn't believe some of the things that I had seen here. My mind was still back in the chamber looking at a very real human Alice.

"This is Alice, her mind is plugged into the system and this is something that she actually wanted at the start." He told me.

The girl plugged in couldn't look older than that of 16 years old, and yet here she was half in the machine with a helmet over her head plugged in and spread out to the entire world. "I know what you must be thinking." A female voice called out. "That how can I survive being placed into a computer system like this, I was born right after the entity above us started to fully take over, and considering how my mind worked and being able to understand computers far better than everyone else, I was the only option that those that wanted to be free had. Plus my body also didn't work either, so placing my body and mind into the computer here was the best option, and I can help fight the computer system above us as well. And I also believe that the system above us is the same way as ours down here, that there is someone in truth inside their computer system up there. However I cannot defeat him in the computer world alone, he must be completely unplugged from the system in order to defeat those above." Alice told me.

I couldn't help but walk all around the system looking at it in different places, the entire thing looked like it had been pieced together from different components and somehow was able to work the way that they wanted to in the first place. However I could see things there that they couldn't, but at that moment I wasn't going to be saying anything right then.

A half hour later I was brought to where I was right then a room of my own while I stayed there, it was one of the traveling guest rooms that they had created for those that were on their side trying to free themselves from what was going on above them. I knew that I had to do something to help them out, this was the one world though that I found hard to actually understand in truth was what going on considering all of the technology that was being used here for making sure that the people were subjugated and didn't know it. Part of the problem that I had was that the people had no idea in the world about it, and more than likely were so used to it that they didn't know or understand any other life other than this one. The thing that really got me was that I had been told that they had been getting their message out there, which means that either their message was getting lost in the wind, or that the people were so confused that everything was completely mixed up for them.

Though the night, I worked on a program that would allow me to see the world from their eyes, but in a way that I wouldn't actually be tapping into their system, after all the last thing that I wanted was to get trapped with a program going with me from world to world. Once that was done I stepped outside the room that I had been given and walked towards the glider when someone approached me.

"I know that you might be thinking of leaving right now, but that might not be the best of ideas right now. Anyone that tries to leave during this time is usually shot down, some kind of reaction to something that we don't know about yet." He told me.

I got on the glider and started it up. "I can deal with that, however there something that I need to find out and there's no better time than now to find out what in the world's going on than to see the entire world." I told him.

I lifted up and flew up towards the high over head ceiling. I could see that there was next to no actual windows in what I had see before and picked one that had nothing in it, and flew dead on towards it picking up speed. I couldn't engage the Earth Warp engines like I wanted to till I had cleared the place, and then I knew I could be able to kick them in.

The moment that I cleared I kicked them in and the world stretched around me, just like each time before, only this time, I had an entire city passing by me as I headed for the sky. This time however it took me about five second from start to arrival to leave the Earth warp, one that had been done I hovered there before turning back to look at the world. I activated the program that I had created for this, and saw the world in a way that they had tried to explain before, but just really couldn't till I saw it this way. What I saw were the nodes and fields that had been created between the nodes, fields that carrier two different levels of information. I looked to the area that I have arrived in and noticed that those fields right there were constantly changing. The one thing that I did notice was that those that were in those fields were constantly being given the option of what they wanted to do in the first place; no one was being forced at all.

I used the Earth Warp to get back down and to make sure that I avoided anyone that might try and see me, believe me not as easy as one might think if someone knew what to look for, for me no one knew so I wasn't as worried about it. I pulled back just in time before I went through the window and flew through and then headed back to the level that my room had been on and landed the glider. There were people there waiting for me when I arrived.

"So did you see what you wanted to see when you were up there?" I was asked by their leader.

I stepped off and looked the man right in the eye. I lowered my helmet down so that he could look right at me as well. "Yeah I saw what I needed to see, and I also now know where their central point is as well." I told him as I walked over to the railing that was on edge of the level that I was on. "And that point is where I'm going to go to end all of this. You people need to live together, not under fields being controlled or influenced or anything like that." I told them as I looked out over the people that were living their lives there. A struggle that they had been going through for years. "I'm sorry but this is no way for anyone to live, and personally I'd be doing everything I could to be able to end it. Yes they have information and everything that they could possibly need up there, but do they have the truth about what's going on around them?" I asked.

He has stepped up beside me looking out over everything. "For the most part yes, but in everything that we're doing here the one thing that we believe in big time is the option to give them the choice in everything. Even the ones that are controlling the world above us haven't changed from that. After all look at what happened with you, not one signal person came after you when you came down here. Do we want to end all of this, of course this is no way for anyone to live, but is it going to take time, of course. However since we've been at this for more years than I care to remember, but there's right now nothing that we can actually do about this. Both sides right now have been in this battle for too many years, and we're all ready for this to end and now that you're here that time has come."

I turned to face him and then without saying anything, I headed for the one person that I could talk to about this, Alice. When I arrived at her chamber I walked around her and looked at everything including the cameras that actually moved and kept their eyes on me. "You know why I'm here?" I asked her.

"Yes I do." She said.

"And do you know why I'm about to ask what I'm going to ask?"

"You want my take on what you want to know since I'm plugged into the system, and only I can give you a side that no one here can ever be able to give you." She stated.

I stopped dead in front of her and knelt down. "Do you want to be free; do you want to be outside of this computer system that you're plugged into right now; do you want your life back?" I asked.

I didn't know how long it was going to take for her to answer, for me it felt like it was taking ages just for her to decide one answer, something that I never thought that I would ever get the answer to. However I did get that answer.

"Yes." The answer was so soft I almost didn't hear it, but I knew what she had said, and it was that response right there that had been the goal the entire time.


Over the next few days and several hours, I made ready for the biggest challenge that I could think of at the time, I know that it too was also going to be the hardest that I'd ever done too. Getting into the main complex that held the male side of the entire world network, the side that Alice was constantly fighting against. Thing was, this also had to be a solo mission too, I couldn't risk taking anyone with me and something going wrong, there was just way too much at stake for something like this.

"Are you sure you wouldn't be willing to take someone with you." Their leader that I'd come to know as John asked me.

"I'm sure. There's just too many things that might go wrong, so I can't take the chance that someone will get hurt, so no I can't take anyone with me at all, sorry." I told him. Believe me, I honestly didn't like the thought of going it alone, but at this point I already knew that I had no choice in that.

That was considered the end of that, and he never said anything beyond that, I figured that he had said everything that he wanted to say, however he took me off guard when he came back with two armed men. "You'll be taking these two men with you, that way even I know that everything's been done, one or both of them might be equipped with video gear that will allow me to see everything that's there and happening live." He stated.

The two men were armed to the teeth and that was the one thing that I didn't need considering that I need to be as nimble as I could be in getting through this. I had a plan worked out in my head and this guy was determined to screw everything up and over. "Is it me, or are you trying to screw everything up and over with all this?" I asked him.

His look didn't tell me anything, but I already knew that this was going to be something that was going to delay everything. "You will take them with…"

I didn't let him finish before I made my move and completely disarmed the men standing there, and I had done it so fast that they didn't even know that I had moved. I had picked up a few extra moves from the Minute World that actually came in handy, considering that people with guns tend not to move that fast. "Now, unless you want me to prove my point again, I'm going alone." I told him, as I finished what I had started and was now loading up the glider to leave.

"How in the world did you do that?" He asked me as I finished and got on.

I looked him right in the eyes. "One of the worlds that I had visited before coming here, I learned that those that wish to fight with guns only, they tend to be the ones that are not only the slowest, but also become the biggest targets as well." I told him as I lifted the glider up and flew off to the top of the building and flew out.

Now to be honest, at first I didn't know how far the location that I needed to go would be at, at least not till I scanned a nearby nod and I traced it back to the source for the place. That's when I had discovered that it was in truth really close by. These people had their base right under the enemy nose, and the ones that wanted to be in control, they had no idea.

Upon arriving at the location, I could tell that it was the main base because of the huge green glowing node at the top of the structure. I say that because with this entire city, all of the building seemed to be interconnected together, and all to the point that you didn't know where one ended and one started. However with this building right here, it seemed to be completely on its own as I continued to check it out, I flew around it a few times getting an understanding of the entire thing.

Once I got a better feel for the place, I brought the glider in over to one of the vent ports and knew that it was time. "Time to go into the belly of this beast." I stated more to myself than to anyone else around me as I crawled into the vent and bid the outside world good bye.

Felix Sanchez
Carrier for Martinez News-Gazette, Martinez, CA
Alhambra High School
Class of '97
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